Alphabetical program index
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | JK | L | M | N | O | PQ | R | S | T | U | V | W | XYZ | Return to Main Index |
Program |
Category |
Cost |
S+ArcView | Geographical information systems | |||||||||||||||||||||
S+SpatialStats | Geostatistics | |||||||||||||||||||||
SADA | Risk analysis | Free on WWW | ||||||||||||||||||||
SAF-1 | Piles (single) | US Dollars 100 | ||||||||||||||||||||
SAFE | Numerical analysis (soil) | Windows: GB Pounds 3250 DOS: 2750 | ||||||||||||||||||||
SAF-TR | Settlement analysis | US Dollars 100 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Sage CRISP | Numerical analysis (soil) | GB Pounds 2600 + GB Pounds 650 annual support | ||||||||||||||||||||
SAMARA | Geological modelling | Euros 3815 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Sample Labeler | Site procedures | US Dollars 275 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Sanitas | Risk analysis | US Dollars 1165 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Sarma | Slope stability (soil) | US Dollars 50 | ||||||||||||||||||||
SASSI2000 | Dynamics (soil-structure interaction) | Rental charge based on period used | ||||||||||||||||||||
SCALE | Geotechnical software suites | Single user GB Pounds 950; Site licence/network GB Pounds 1900 | ||||||||||||||||||||
SCARP | Piles (single) | Australian Dollars 1,925 | ||||||||||||||||||||
SchlumBG | Geophysics (surface) | US Dollars 500 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Schmert | Settlement analysis | US Dollars 127 + Manual free | ||||||||||||||||||||
SCPT-DAA | Insitu testing | |||||||||||||||||||||
SCslip | Geological modelling | Free on WWW | ||||||||||||||||||||
SDPS | Settlement analysis | |||||||||||||||||||||
SEAWAVE | Dynamics (behaviour and earthquake) | Free on WWW | ||||||||||||||||||||
Security Tool | Database systems (with log production) | US Dollars 2000 | ||||||||||||||||||||
SEEP | Groundwater flow (2D) | GB Pounds 1250 | ||||||||||||||||||||
SEEP (Virginia) | Groundwater flow (2D) | US Dollars 200 Academic discount available | ||||||||||||||||||||
SEEP/W | Groundwater flow (2D) | US Dollars 4,495, free evaluation version | ||||||||||||||||||||
Seep3D | Groundwater flow (3D) | US Dollars 6,995 | ||||||||||||||||||||
SEEPCALC | Groundwater flow (2D) | Free by email | ||||||||||||||||||||
SEEPS2D | Groundwater flow (2D) | |||||||||||||||||||||
SEEPU2D | Groundwater flow (2D) | |||||||||||||||||||||
SefCut | Groundwater flow (2D) | GB Pounds 240 | ||||||||||||||||||||
SEFTRANS | Contaminant transport (2D FEM) | GB Pounds 2000 | ||||||||||||||||||||
SefWeir | Groundwater flow (2D) | GB Pounds 240 | ||||||||||||||||||||
SeisOpt@2D | Geophysics (surface) | |||||||||||||||||||||
SEPAP | Dynamics (soil-structure interaction) | US Dollars 85 | ||||||||||||||||||||
SEPL-RetWall | Retaining wall design | |||||||||||||||||||||
SEQUENCE | Contaminant modelling | Free on WWW | ||||||||||||||||||||
SequenceStratColumn | Borehole log production | US Dollars 125 | ||||||||||||||||||||
SESOIL | Contaminant modelling | US Dollars 845, Soil database US Dollars 395, Climate database US Dollars 1995 | ||||||||||||||||||||
SESOIL Version 2.1 | Contaminant transport (1D) | Free on WWW | ||||||||||||||||||||
SETOFF | Settlement analysis | DOS US Dollars 350. Windows US Dollars 490 | ||||||||||||||||||||
SET-SAND | Settlement analysis | US Dollars 50 | ||||||||||||||||||||
SETTLE | Settlement analysis | Free on WWW | ||||||||||||||||||||
Settle (Tsoft) | Settlement analysis | US Dollars 350 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Settle3D 2.0 | Settlement analysis | US Dollars 1,295.00 (Canadian customers Can Dollars 1,295.00) | ||||||||||||||||||||
Settlement | Settlement analysis | 350 Euro | ||||||||||||||||||||
SettlementAnalysis | Settlement analysis | Free on WWW | ||||||||||||||||||||
SEVIEW | Contaminant modelling | US Dollars 1,065. Academic US Dollars 825 | ||||||||||||||||||||
SHAFT | Piles (single) | US Dollars 200 | ||||||||||||||||||||
SHAFT (Ensoft) for Windows | Piles (single) | US Dollars 750 | ||||||||||||||||||||
SHAFTUF | Piles (single) | US Dollars 200 | ||||||||||||||||||||
SHAKE2000 | Dynamics (behaviour and earthquake) | U S Dollars 300 | ||||||||||||||||||||
SHAKE21 | Dynamics (behaviour and earthquake) | US Dollars 1000 (Version 1.0), US Dollars 1200 (Version 2.0), discounts for academic usage | ||||||||||||||||||||
SHAKE91 | Dynamics (behaviour and earthquake) | Free on WWW | ||||||||||||||||||||
ShakEdit | Dynamics (behaviour and earthquake) | US Dollars 55 | ||||||||||||||||||||
SHALSTAB | Slope stability (soil) | Free on WWW | ||||||||||||||||||||
Shaly Sand Advisor (SSA) | Geophysics (borehole) | US Dollars 3000 | ||||||||||||||||||||
SHARP | Groundwater flow (3D) | US Dollars 200 | ||||||||||||||||||||
ShawPlot | Geophysics (borehole) | US Dollars 150 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Shear Test | Laboratory testing (soil) | US Dollars 800 | ||||||||||||||||||||
SHEET | Retaining wall design | GB Pounds 1350 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Sheeting check | Retaining wall design | 500 Euro | ||||||||||||||||||||
Sheeting design | Retaining wall design | 350 Euro | ||||||||||||||||||||
SHEETWAL | Retaining wall design | US Dollars 350 | ||||||||||||||||||||
ShowFlow 2 | Contaminant transport (2D analytical) | Free on WWW | ||||||||||||||||||||
SID | Database systems (with log production) | Free on WWW | ||||||||||||||||||||
Sieve Analysis | Laboratory testing (soil) | US Dollars 50 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Sieve Analysis Report System | Laboratory testing (soil) | US Dollars 500 | ||||||||||||||||||||
SieveGraph | Laboratory testing (soil) | US Dollars 150 | ||||||||||||||||||||
SIGEOL | Geographical information systems | US Dollars 1800 Academic discounts available | ||||||||||||||||||||
SIGMA/W | Numerical analysis (soil) | US Dollars 4,495, free evaluation version | ||||||||||||||||||||
Sigma-2D | Numerical analysis (general) | US Dollars 9900 demonstration US Dollars 50 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Sigma-3D | Numerical analysis (general) | US Dollars 19900 demonstration US Dollars 80 | ||||||||||||||||||||
SigmaPlot | Plotting (2D x-y) | US Dollars 595 | ||||||||||||||||||||
SigmaScan Pro | Image analysis | US Dollars 995 | ||||||||||||||||||||
SigmaStat | Plotting and statistics | US Dollars 495 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Signproc | Geophysics (surface) | Three licenses GB Pounds 350 Educational GB Pounds 263 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Simca | Plotting and statistics | US Dollars 2750. Multiple licence and network discounts. | ||||||||||||||||||||
SIMPLE | Piles (lateral loading and groups) | GB Pounds 500 | ||||||||||||||||||||
SIMQKE-I | Dynamics (behaviour and earthquake) | Free on WWW | ||||||||||||||||||||
SIMQKE-II | Dynamics (behaviour and earthquake) | Free on WWW | ||||||||||||||||||||
SIMSTAT | Plotting and statistics | DOS US Dollars 65, Windows US Dollars 129 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Single Well Solutions | Aquifer test analysis | US Dollars 299 (US Dollars 199 if downloaded from WWW) | ||||||||||||||||||||
Sirius | Plotting and statistics | US Dollars 995 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Sirovision | Field data collection | US Dollars 10,000 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Site Investigation | Educational | Free evaluation version on WWW to UK educational establishments | ||||||||||||||||||||
SiteFX | Geoenvironmental database systems | |||||||||||||||||||||
SiteGIS | Geoenvironmental database systems | US Dollars 1750 | ||||||||||||||||||||
SizePerm | Hydraulic properties | US Dollars 69 | ||||||||||||||||||||
SLABS | Settlement analysis | Australian Dollars 3,300 | ||||||||||||||||||||
SLAP | Piles (lateral loading and groups) | GB Pounds 500 | ||||||||||||||||||||
SlicerDicer | Plotting (3D visualisation) | US Dollars 420 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Slide 6.0 | Slope stability (soil) | US Dollars 2,495.00 (Canadian customers Can Dollars 2,495.00) | ||||||||||||||||||||
SLIP | Slope stability (soil) | GB Pounds 895 | ||||||||||||||||||||
SLOPBG | Slope stability (soil) | US Dollars 420 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Slope (ejgeSoft) | Slope stability (soil) | US Dollars 161 + Manual free | ||||||||||||||||||||
Slope (Oasys) | Slope stability (soil) | GB Pounds 1300 | ||||||||||||||||||||
SLOPE 12 | Slope stability (soil) | GB Pounds 1250 | ||||||||||||||||||||
SLOPE 12R | Reinforced slopes and walls | GB Pounds 2500 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Slope 2000 | Slope stability (soil) | US Dollars 640 to 1280 | ||||||||||||||||||||
SLOPE 8R | Slope stability (soil) | US Dollars 100 Academic discount available | ||||||||||||||||||||
Slope stability (Fine) | Slope stability (soil) | 500 Euro | ||||||||||||||||||||
Slope stability analysis | Slope stability (soil) | Euro 290 | ||||||||||||||||||||
SLOPE/W | Slope stability (soil) | US Dollars 4,495, free evaluation version | ||||||||||||||||||||
SLOPEPACK | Slope stability (rock) | US Dollars 50 | ||||||||||||||||||||
SLOPNC | Slope stability (soil) | US Dollars 420 | ||||||||||||||||||||
SLUGC | Aquifer test analysis | US Dollars 50 | ||||||||||||||||||||
SLUGT | Aquifer test analysis | US Dollars 50 | ||||||||||||||||||||
SMAP 2D/3D | Numerical analysis (soil) | US Dollars 9900 | ||||||||||||||||||||
SmartStack 1.0 | Geophysics (surface) | US Dollars 250 | ||||||||||||||||||||
SNAILZ | Reinforced slopes and walls | Free | ||||||||||||||||||||
Soakaway Design | Drainage | GB Pounds 100 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Socket | Piles (single) | US Dollars 50 | ||||||||||||||||||||
SoftRisk | Contract Planning and Management | |||||||||||||||||||||
Software for Landslide and Tunnelling Hazards | Geotechnical software suites | US Dollars 109 | ||||||||||||||||||||
SOIL | Hydraulic properties | US Dollars 70 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Soil Classification | Laboratory testing (soil) | US Dollars 100 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Soil Project | Borehole log production | US Dollars 575 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Soilab99 | Laboratory testing (soil) | Free on WWW | ||||||||||||||||||||
SoilClass | Laboratory testing (soil) | US Dollars 650 | ||||||||||||||||||||
SoilCover | Groundwater modelling | US Dollars 250 to 350 - depending on version | ||||||||||||||||||||
SoilGeophysical | Dynamics (behaviour and earthquake) | Free on WWW | ||||||||||||||||||||
SOILMECH | Educational | Free on WWW | ||||||||||||||||||||
SoilSeriesPro v.2 | Laboratory testing (soil) | US Dollars 250 | ||||||||||||||||||||
SOILSTRUCT | Numerical analysis (soil) | US Dollars 1200 Academic discount available | ||||||||||||||||||||
SoilVision | Geoenvironmental database systems | US Dollars 1,395 to 2,295 depending on version. Academic discounts available. | ||||||||||||||||||||
SOLMEX | Educational | Free on WWW | ||||||||||||||||||||
SOLUTE | Contaminant transport (3D) | US Dollars 150 | ||||||||||||||||||||
SOLUTRANS | Contaminant transport (3D) | US Dollars 385 | ||||||||||||||||||||
SP5 | Laboratory testing (soil) | US Dollars 100 Academic discount available | ||||||||||||||||||||
SpaDiS | Geological modelling | US Dollars 4250 | ||||||||||||||||||||
SPANS | Geographical information systems | |||||||||||||||||||||
SPANS Observer | Geographical information systems | Free | ||||||||||||||||||||
SPAS 2007 | Dynamics (behaviour and earthquake) | 199 Euros | ||||||||||||||||||||
Spase | Database systems (general) | US Dollars 2000, US Dollars 3000 with EnviroSpase | ||||||||||||||||||||
SPASM | Dynamics (soil-structure interaction) | Free on WWW | ||||||||||||||||||||
Spatial Explorer | Geological modelling | US Dollars 495 | ||||||||||||||||||||
SPECEQ-UQ | Dynamics (behaviour and earthquake) | Free on WWW | ||||||||||||||||||||
SPECMaker | Geosynthetics | Free on WWW | ||||||||||||||||||||
SPECTR | Dynamics (behaviour and earthquake) | Free on WWW | ||||||||||||||||||||
SpectraPave 2 | Geosynthetics | Free on WWW | ||||||||||||||||||||
SphericalRotation | Geological modelling | Free on WWW | ||||||||||||||||||||
SpheriStat 2.2 | Plotting (special) | US Dollars 250 / Canadian Dollars 330 | ||||||||||||||||||||
SpheriStat Lite | Plotting (special) | US Dollars 99 / Canadian Dollars 135 | ||||||||||||||||||||
SPILE | Piles (single) | US Dollars 50 | ||||||||||||||||||||
SpiView | Geophysics (surface) | |||||||||||||||||||||
SPLINTER | Piles (lateral loading and groups) | GB Pounds 5000 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Split | Groundwater flow (2D) | Free | ||||||||||||||||||||
SPOOKS | Retaining wall design | Danish Kroner 30,000 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Spread footing | Bearing capacity | 400 Euro | ||||||||||||||||||||
SPRING | Educational | |||||||||||||||||||||
SPTCorr | Insitu testing | 29 Euros | ||||||||||||||||||||
SPTfoundation | Bearing capacity | Free on WWW | ||||||||||||||||||||
SPUNT-A3 | Retaining wall design | Norwegian Kroner 20000 | ||||||||||||||||||||
SPW | Retaining wall design | Free on WWW | ||||||||||||||||||||
SPW 911 | Retaining wall design | US Dollars 68 | ||||||||||||||||||||
SRWall | Reinforced slopes and walls | US Dollars 175 | ||||||||||||||||||||
SRWall Miragrid Datafiles | Reinforced slopes and walls | Free on WWW | ||||||||||||||||||||
SSI | Educational | Free evaluation version on WWW to UK educational establishments | ||||||||||||||||||||
STABGM | Reinforced slopes and walls | US Dollars 200 Academic discount available | ||||||||||||||||||||
Stabl for Windows | Slope stability (soil) | US Dollars 980 | ||||||||||||||||||||
STABL WV 2007 | Slope stability (soil) | US Dollars 1149 | ||||||||||||||||||||
STABLE | Slope stability (soil) | Free on WWW | ||||||||||||||||||||
STABLEPRO for Windows | Slope stability (soil) | US Dollars 400 | ||||||||||||||||||||
STANMOD | Contaminant modelling | Free on WWW | ||||||||||||||||||||
STANMOD2 | Contaminant modelling | Free on www | ||||||||||||||||||||
STARES for Windows | Reinforced slopes and walls | Australian Dollars 1,100 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Static penetrometer | Insitu testing | |||||||||||||||||||||
Static Pile Analysis | Piles (lateral loading and groups) | |||||||||||||||||||||
Static Probing | Insitu testing | Euro 300 | ||||||||||||||||||||
STAWALL | Retaining wall design | GB Pounds 950 | ||||||||||||||||||||
STB | Slope stability (soil) | Free on WWW | ||||||||||||||||||||
STEDwin | Slope stability (soil) | US Dollars 300 (single user site license). US Dollars 50 for each additional user. | ||||||||||||||||||||
SteinP 3DT | Settlement analysis | 149 Euros | ||||||||||||||||||||
StepMaster | Aquifer test analysis | US Dollars 250 | ||||||||||||||||||||
StereoNett | Plotting (special) | US Dollars 50, free for educational purposes | ||||||||||||||||||||
STF | Geochemistry | Free on WWW | ||||||||||||||||||||
Stochastic MODFLOW | Groundwater flow (MODFLOW) | Free via the WWW | ||||||||||||||||||||
StoneC | Ground improvement | 99 Euros | ||||||||||||||||||||
STORM | Geostatistics | |||||||||||||||||||||
Strand7 | Numerical analysis (general) | |||||||||||||||||||||
Strataslope | Reinforced slopes and walls | Free | ||||||||||||||||||||
Stratawall | Reinforced slopes and walls | Free | ||||||||||||||||||||
StratColumn | Borehole log production | US Dollars 125 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Strater | Borehole log production | US Dollars 449 | ||||||||||||||||||||
STRATICAD | Geological illustration | 2500 euros | ||||||||||||||||||||
Stratigrapher | Geological illustration | Euro 120 | ||||||||||||||||||||
STRESS | Settlement analysis | Free on WWW | ||||||||||||||||||||
StrikeAndDip | Geological modelling | Free on WWW | ||||||||||||||||||||
StrsDist | Settlement analysis | US Dollars 299 + Manual free | ||||||||||||||||||||
Structural Engineering Library | Geotechnical software suites | US Dollars 1295 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Structures Geotechnical Prog | Piles (single) | US Dollars 50 | ||||||||||||||||||||
SuLog | Borehole log production | |||||||||||||||||||||
SUMMERS | Contaminant modelling | US Dollars 75 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Super Slug | Aquifer test analysis | US Dollars 195 | ||||||||||||||||||||
SuperLog | Borehole log production | US Dollars 490 | ||||||||||||||||||||
SuperPad | Field data collection | US Dollars 450 | ||||||||||||||||||||
SupportIT | Retaining wall design | GB Pounds 800, US Dollars 1200. Euro 1200 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Surface III+ | Plotting (2.5D & contouring) | Mac US Dollars 399, Unix US Dollars 1995 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Surfer | Plotting (2.5D & contouring) | US Dollars 550 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Surfit | Plotting (2.5D & contouring) | Free on www | ||||||||||||||||||||
SurfLink | Geographical information systems | US Dollars 225 | ||||||||||||||||||||
SurGe | Plotting (2.5D & contouring) | US Dollars 20 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Survey Tools | Plotting (2.5D & contouring) | US Dollars 600 | ||||||||||||||||||||
SUTRA | Contaminant transport (2D FD) | Free on WWW | ||||||||||||||||||||
SUTRA-GUI | Numerical analysis utilities | Free on WWW | ||||||||||||||||||||
SVAirFlow | Aquifer test analysis | US Dollars 2,195 to 4,795 depending on modules. Academic discounts available. | ||||||||||||||||||||
SVE-3D | Contaminant modelling | US Dollars 1700 | ||||||||||||||||||||
SVFlux | Groundwater modelling | US Dollars 1,695 to 6,382 depending on modules. Academic discounts available. | ||||||||||||||||||||
SVHeat | Geothermal | US Dollars 1,695 to 5,995 depending on modules. Academic discounts available. | ||||||||||||||||||||
SVOffice | Geotechnical software suites | US Dollars 7,550 to 24,513 depending on bundle. Academic discounts available. | ||||||||||||||||||||
SVSlope | Slope stability (soil) | US Dollars 2,695 to 7,995 depending on modules. Academic discounts available. | ||||||||||||||||||||
SVSolid | Numerical analysis (soil) | US Dollars 1,695 to 5,575 depending on modules. Academic discounts available. | ||||||||||||||||||||
SWACROP | Groundwater flow (1D) | US Dollars 500 | ||||||||||||||||||||
SWANDYNE for Windows | Numerical analysis (soil) | GB Pounds 3,000 p.a. (commerical ) GB Pounds 15 (non-commerical research) | ||||||||||||||||||||
SWANFLOW | Contaminant transport (3D) | US Dollars 120 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Swedge 5.0 | Slope stability (rock) | US Dollars 1,195.00 (Canadian customers Can Dollars 1,195.00) | ||||||||||||||||||||
Swell Consolidation | Laboratory testing (soil) | US Dollars 650 | ||||||||||||||||||||
SWICHA | Contaminant transport (3D) | US Dollars 120 | ||||||||||||||||||||
SWIFD | Dynamics (behaviour and earthquake) | US Dollars 150 to 1,400 depending on modules | ||||||||||||||||||||
SWIFT 2000 | Contaminant transport (3D) | |||||||||||||||||||||
SWIFT-486 | Contaminant transport (3D) | US Dollars 800, with support US Dollars 1800 | ||||||||||||||||||||
SWIFT-98 | Contaminant transport (3D) | US Dollars 395 | ||||||||||||||||||||
SWIPS | Database systems (general) | GB Pounds 250, educational version (20 user) GB Pounds 185 | ||||||||||||||||||||
SWMS-2D | Contaminant transport (2D FD) | Free on WWW | ||||||||||||||||||||
SWMS-3D | Contaminant transport (3D) | Free on WWW | ||||||||||||||||||||
SYSTAT | Plotting and statistics | US Dollars 995 |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | JK | L | M | N | O | PQ | R | S | T | U | V | W | XYZ | Return to Main Index |
Geotechnical & Geoenvironmental Software Directory © Bedrock 2025