Alphabetical program index
 S+ArcView  Geographical information systems  
 S+SpatialStats  Geostatistics  
 SADA  Risk analysis Free on WWW
 SAF-1  Piles (single) US Dollars 100
 SAFE  Numerical analysis (soil) Windows: GB Pounds 3250 DOS: 2750
 SAF-TR  Settlement analysis US Dollars 100
 Sage CRISP  Numerical analysis (soil) GB Pounds 2600 + GB Pounds 650 annual support
 SAMARA  Geological modelling Euros 3815
 Sample Labeler  Site procedures US Dollars 275
 Sanitas  Risk analysis US Dollars 1165
 Sarma  Slope stability (soil) US Dollars 50
 SASSI2000  Dynamics (soil-structure interaction) Rental charge based on period used
 SCALE  Geotechnical software suites Single user GB Pounds 950; Site licence/network GB Pounds 1900
 SCARP  Piles (single) Australian Dollars 1,925
 SchlumBG  Geophysics (surface) US Dollars 500
 Schmert  Settlement analysis US Dollars 127 + Manual free
 SCPT-DAA  Insitu testing  
 SCslip  Geological modelling Free on WWW
 SDPS  Settlement analysis  
 SEAWAVE  Dynamics (behaviour and earthquake) Free on WWW
 Security Tool  Database systems (with log production) US Dollars 2000
 SEEP  Groundwater flow (2D) GB Pounds 1250
 SEEP (Virginia)  Groundwater flow (2D) US Dollars 200 Academic discount available
 SEEP/W  Groundwater flow (2D) US Dollars 4,495, free evaluation version
 Seep3D  Groundwater flow (3D) US Dollars 6,995
 SEEPCALC  Groundwater flow (2D) Free by email
 SEEPS2D  Groundwater flow (2D)  
 SEEPU2D  Groundwater flow (2D)  
 SefCut  Groundwater flow (2D) GB Pounds 240
 SEFTRANS  Contaminant transport (2D FEM) GB Pounds 2000
 SefWeir  Groundwater flow (2D) GB Pounds 240
 SeisOpt@2D  Geophysics (surface)  
 SEPAP  Dynamics (soil-structure interaction) US Dollars 85
 SEPL-RetWall  Retaining wall design  
 SEQUENCE  Contaminant modelling Free on WWW
 SequenceStratColumn  Borehole log production US Dollars 125
 SESOIL  Contaminant modelling US Dollars 845, Soil database US Dollars 395, Climate database US Dollars 1995
 SESOIL Version 2.1  Contaminant transport (1D) Free on WWW
 SETOFF  Settlement analysis DOS US Dollars 350. Windows US Dollars 490
 SET-SAND  Settlement analysis US Dollars 50
 SETTLE  Settlement analysis Free on WWW
 Settle (Tsoft)  Settlement analysis US Dollars 350
 Settle3D 2.0  Settlement analysis US Dollars 1,295.00 (Canadian customers Can Dollars 1,295.00)
 Settlement  Settlement analysis 350 Euro
 SettlementAnalysis  Settlement analysis Free on WWW
 SEVIEW  Contaminant modelling US Dollars 1,065. Academic US Dollars 825
 SHAFT  Piles (single) US Dollars 200
 SHAFT (Ensoft) for Windows  Piles (single) US Dollars 750
 SHAFTUF  Piles (single) US Dollars 200
 SHAKE2000  Dynamics (behaviour and earthquake) U S Dollars 300
 SHAKE21  Dynamics (behaviour and earthquake) US Dollars 1000 (Version 1.0), US Dollars 1200 (Version 2.0), discounts for academic usage
 SHAKE91  Dynamics (behaviour and earthquake) Free on WWW
 ShakEdit  Dynamics (behaviour and earthquake) US Dollars 55
 SHALSTAB  Slope stability (soil) Free on WWW
 Shaly Sand Advisor (SSA)  Geophysics (borehole) US Dollars 3000
 SHARP  Groundwater flow (3D) US Dollars 200
 ShawPlot  Geophysics (borehole) US Dollars 150
 Shear Test  Laboratory testing (soil) US Dollars 800
 SHEET  Retaining wall design GB Pounds 1350
 Sheeting check  Retaining wall design 500 Euro
 Sheeting design  Retaining wall design 350 Euro
 SHEETWAL  Retaining wall design US Dollars 350
 ShowFlow 2  Contaminant transport (2D analytical) Free on WWW
 SID  Database systems (with log production) Free on WWW
 Sieve Analysis  Laboratory testing (soil) US Dollars 50
 Sieve Analysis Report System  Laboratory testing (soil) US Dollars 500
 SieveGraph  Laboratory testing (soil) US Dollars 150
 SIGEOL  Geographical information systems US Dollars 1800 Academic discounts available
 SIGMA/W  Numerical analysis (soil) US Dollars 4,495, free evaluation version
 Sigma-2D  Numerical analysis (general) US Dollars 9900 demonstration US Dollars 50
 Sigma-3D  Numerical analysis (general) US Dollars 19900 demonstration US Dollars 80
 SigmaPlot  Plotting (2D x-y) US Dollars 595
 SigmaScan Pro  Image analysis US Dollars 995
 SigmaStat  Plotting and statistics US Dollars 495
 Signproc  Geophysics (surface) Three licenses GB Pounds 350 Educational GB Pounds 263
 Simca  Plotting and statistics US Dollars 2750. Multiple licence and network discounts.
 SIMPLE  Piles (lateral loading and groups) GB Pounds 500
 SIMQKE-I  Dynamics (behaviour and earthquake) Free on WWW
 SIMQKE-II  Dynamics (behaviour and earthquake) Free on WWW
 SIMSTAT  Plotting and statistics DOS US Dollars 65, Windows US Dollars 129
 Single Well Solutions  Aquifer test analysis US Dollars 299 (US Dollars 199 if downloaded from WWW)
 Sirius  Plotting and statistics US Dollars 995
 Sirovision  Field data collection US Dollars 10,000
 Site Investigation  Educational Free evaluation version on WWW to UK educational establishments
 SiteFX  Geoenvironmental database systems  
 SiteGIS  Geoenvironmental database systems US Dollars 1750
 SizePerm  Hydraulic properties US Dollars 69
 SLABS  Settlement analysis Australian Dollars 3,300
 SLAP  Piles (lateral loading and groups) GB Pounds 500
 SlicerDicer  Plotting (3D visualisation) US Dollars 420
 Slide 6.0  Slope stability (soil) US Dollars 2,495.00 (Canadian customers Can Dollars 2,495.00)
 SLIP  Slope stability (soil) GB Pounds 895
 SLOPBG  Slope stability (soil) US Dollars 420
 Slope (ejgeSoft)  Slope stability (soil) US Dollars 161 + Manual free
 Slope (Oasys)  Slope stability (soil) GB Pounds 1300
 SLOPE 12  Slope stability (soil) GB Pounds 1250
 SLOPE 12R  Reinforced slopes and walls GB Pounds 2500
 Slope 2000  Slope stability (soil) US Dollars 640 to 1280
 SLOPE 8R  Slope stability (soil) US Dollars 100 Academic discount available
 Slope stability (Fine)  Slope stability (soil) 500 Euro
 Slope stability analysis  Slope stability (soil) Euro 290
 SLOPE/W  Slope stability (soil) US Dollars 4,495, free evaluation version
 SLOPEPACK  Slope stability (rock) US Dollars 50
 SLOPNC  Slope stability (soil) US Dollars 420
 SLUGC  Aquifer test analysis US Dollars 50
 SLUGT  Aquifer test analysis US Dollars 50
 SMAP 2D/3D  Numerical analysis (soil) US Dollars 9900
 SmartStack 1.0  Geophysics (surface) US Dollars 250
 SNAILZ  Reinforced slopes and walls Free
 Soakaway Design  Drainage GB Pounds 100
 Socket  Piles (single) US Dollars 50
 SoftRisk  Contract Planning and Management  
 Software for Landslide and Tunnelling Hazards  Geotechnical software suites US Dollars 109
 SOIL  Hydraulic properties US Dollars 70
 Soil Classification  Laboratory testing (soil) US Dollars 100
 Soil Project  Borehole log production US Dollars 575
 Soilab99  Laboratory testing (soil) Free on WWW
 SoilClass  Laboratory testing (soil) US Dollars 650
 SoilCover  Groundwater modelling US Dollars 250 to 350 - depending on version
 SoilGeophysical  Dynamics (behaviour and earthquake) Free on WWW
 SOILMECH  Educational Free on WWW
 SoilSeriesPro v.2  Laboratory testing (soil) US Dollars 250
 SOILSTRUCT  Numerical analysis (soil) US Dollars 1200 Academic discount available
 SoilVision  Geoenvironmental database systems US Dollars 1,395 to 2,295 depending on version. Academic discounts available.
 SOLMEX  Educational Free on WWW
 SOLUTE  Contaminant transport (3D) US Dollars 150
 SOLUTRANS  Contaminant transport (3D) US Dollars 385
 SP5  Laboratory testing (soil) US Dollars 100 Academic discount available
 SpaDiS  Geological modelling US Dollars 4250
 SPANS  Geographical information systems  
 SPANS Observer  Geographical information systems Free
 SPAS 2007  Dynamics (behaviour and earthquake) 199 Euros
 Spase  Database systems (general) US Dollars 2000, US Dollars 3000 with EnviroSpase
 SPASM  Dynamics (soil-structure interaction) Free on WWW
 Spatial Explorer  Geological modelling US Dollars 495
 SPECEQ-UQ  Dynamics (behaviour and earthquake) Free on WWW
 SPECMaker  Geosynthetics Free on WWW
 SPECTR  Dynamics (behaviour and earthquake) Free on WWW
 SpectraPave 2  Geosynthetics Free on WWW
 SphericalRotation  Geological modelling Free on WWW
 SpheriStat 2.2  Plotting (special) US Dollars 250 / Canadian Dollars 330
 SpheriStat Lite  Plotting (special) US Dollars 99 / Canadian Dollars 135
 SPILE  Piles (single) US Dollars 50
 SpiView  Geophysics (surface)  
 SPLINTER  Piles (lateral loading and groups) GB Pounds 5000
 Split  Groundwater flow (2D) Free
 SPOOKS  Retaining wall design Danish Kroner 30,000
 Spread footing  Bearing capacity 400 Euro
 SPRING  Educational  
 SPTCorr  Insitu testing 29 Euros
 SPTfoundation  Bearing capacity Free on WWW
 SPUNT-A3  Retaining wall design Norwegian Kroner 20000
 SPW  Retaining wall design Free on WWW
 SPW 911  Retaining wall design US Dollars 68
 SRWall  Reinforced slopes and walls US Dollars 175
 SRWall Miragrid Datafiles  Reinforced slopes and walls Free on WWW
 SSI  Educational Free evaluation version on WWW to UK educational establishments
 STABGM  Reinforced slopes and walls US Dollars 200 Academic discount available
 Stabl for Windows  Slope stability (soil) US Dollars 980
 STABL WV 2007  Slope stability (soil) US Dollars 1149
 STABLE  Slope stability (soil) Free on WWW
 STABLEPRO for Windows  Slope stability (soil) US Dollars 400
 STANMOD  Contaminant modelling Free on WWW
 STANMOD2  Contaminant modelling Free on www
 STARES for Windows  Reinforced slopes and walls Australian Dollars 1,100
 Static penetrometer  Insitu testing  
 Static Pile Analysis  Piles (lateral loading and groups)  
 Static Probing  Insitu testing Euro 300
 STAWALL  Retaining wall design GB Pounds 950
 STB  Slope stability (soil) Free on WWW
 STEDwin  Slope stability (soil) US Dollars 300 (single user site license). US Dollars 50 for each additional user.
 SteinP 3DT  Settlement analysis 149 Euros
 StepMaster  Aquifer test analysis US Dollars 250
 StereoNett  Plotting (special) US Dollars 50, free for educational purposes
 STF  Geochemistry Free on WWW
 Stochastic MODFLOW  Groundwater flow (MODFLOW) Free via the WWW
 StoneC  Ground improvement 99 Euros
 STORM  Geostatistics  
 Strand7  Numerical analysis (general)  
 Strataslope  Reinforced slopes and walls Free
 Stratawall  Reinforced slopes and walls Free
 StratColumn  Borehole log production US Dollars 125
 Strater  Borehole log production US Dollars 449
 STRATICAD  Geological illustration 2500 euros
 Stratigrapher  Geological illustration Euro 120
 STRESS  Settlement analysis Free on WWW
 StrikeAndDip  Geological modelling Free on WWW
 StrsDist  Settlement analysis US Dollars 299 + Manual free
 Structural Engineering Library  Geotechnical software suites US Dollars 1295
 Structures Geotechnical Prog  Piles (single) US Dollars 50
 SuLog  Borehole log production  
 SUMMERS  Contaminant modelling US Dollars 75
 Super Slug  Aquifer test analysis US Dollars 195
 SuperLog  Borehole log production US Dollars 490
 SuperPad  Field data collection US Dollars 450
 SupportIT  Retaining wall design GB Pounds 800, US Dollars 1200. Euro 1200
 Surface III+  Plotting (2.5D & contouring) Mac US Dollars 399, Unix US Dollars 1995
 Surfer  Plotting (2.5D & contouring) US Dollars 550
 Surfit  Plotting (2.5D & contouring) Free on www
 SurfLink  Geographical information systems US Dollars 225
 SurGe  Plotting (2.5D & contouring) US Dollars 20
 Survey Tools  Plotting (2.5D & contouring) US Dollars 600
 SUTRA  Contaminant transport (2D FD) Free on WWW
 SUTRA-GUI  Numerical analysis utilities Free on WWW
 SVAirFlow  Aquifer test analysis US Dollars 2,195 to 4,795 depending on modules. Academic discounts available.
 SVE-3D  Contaminant modelling US Dollars 1700
 SVFlux  Groundwater modelling US Dollars 1,695 to 6,382 depending on modules. Academic discounts available.
 SVHeat  Geothermal US Dollars 1,695 to 5,995 depending on modules. Academic discounts available.
 SVOffice  Geotechnical software suites US Dollars 7,550 to 24,513 depending on bundle. Academic discounts available.
 SVSlope  Slope stability (soil) US Dollars 2,695 to 7,995 depending on modules. Academic discounts available.
 SVSolid  Numerical analysis (soil) US Dollars 1,695 to 5,575 depending on modules. Academic discounts available.
 SWACROP  Groundwater flow (1D) US Dollars 500
 SWANDYNE for Windows  Numerical analysis (soil) GB Pounds 3,000 p.a. (commerical ) GB Pounds 15 (non-commerical research)
 SWANFLOW  Contaminant transport (3D) US Dollars 120
 Swedge 5.0  Slope stability (rock) US Dollars 1,195.00 (Canadian customers Can Dollars 1,195.00)
 Swell Consolidation  Laboratory testing (soil) US Dollars 650
 SWICHA  Contaminant transport (3D) US Dollars 120
 SWIFD  Dynamics (behaviour and earthquake) US Dollars 150 to 1,400 depending on modules
 SWIFT 2000  Contaminant transport (3D)  
 SWIFT-486  Contaminant transport (3D) US Dollars 800, with support US Dollars 1800
 SWIFT-98  Contaminant transport (3D) US Dollars 395
 SWIPS  Database systems (general) GB Pounds 250, educational version (20 user) GB Pounds 185
 SWMS-2D  Contaminant transport (2D FD) Free on WWW
 SWMS-3D  Contaminant transport (3D) Free on WWW
 SYSTAT  Plotting and statistics US Dollars 995

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