Slope stability (Fine)
Category Slope stability (soil)
Publisher  FINE Ltd 
Platform Win95/98, WinNT, Win2000, WinXP
Status Commercial
Description Slope stability (Fine) solves the slope stability problem in a two dimensional environment. The slip surface can be modeled in two different ways - circular (Bishop or Petterson method), or polygonal (Sarma method). Features include:
- Simple input of geometry of layers
- Built-in database of soils and rocks
- Optimization of circular and polygonal slip surfaces
- An arbitrary number of surcharges (strip, trapezoidal, concentrated loading)
- An arbitrary number of anchors
- Presence of water modeled through ground water table or using pore pressure isolines
- Modelling of staged construction of slopes
- Simple modeling of rigid bodies
- Possibility to model earthquake effects
- Possibility to consider foliation of soils (soil anisotropy)
- Possibility to introduce geo-reinforcement into the analysis
- Analysis in effective and total parameters of soils
- An arbitrary number of analyses within one stage of construction
- Possibility to introduce restrictions on the slip surface optimization
- Analysis according to the theory of limit states or safety factor
Cost 500 Euro
Data formats supported None stated
Supplier in Australia  Jones Nicholson Pty. Ltd. 
Supplier in Bosnia and Herzegovina  GEOPORTAL & BBM 
Supplier in Brazil  Mayer Sistemas Ltda 
Supplier in Bulgaria  MrSoft EOOD 
Supplier in Croatia  Geoportal d.o.o. 
Supplier in Czech Republic  FINE Ltd 
Supplier in Ecuador  Instruments & Systems 
Supplier in Greece  4M-VK Civil Engineering Software Ltd. 
Supplier in Hungary  HungaroCAD Informatikai Kft. 
Supplier in Hungary  MrSoft Kft. 
Supplier in India  Ram Caddsys Pvt Ltd 
Supplier in Indonesia  GTL GEOTECH SERVICES 
Supplier in Malaysia  K DMAC 
Supplier in Netherlands  TNO DIANA BV 
Supplier in Philippines  JGR Computers & CADD Center 
Supplier in Poland  Mmgeo 
Supplier in Romania  MrSoft SRL 
Supplier in Singapore  Ram Caddsys Pte Ltd 
Supplier in Slovakia  ASC Applied Software Consultants s.r.o. 
Supplier in Spain  Ingeosolum S.L. 
Supplier in Turkey  NYS Project Consultancy and Contracting Co. 
Supplier in United Kingdom  GTS CADBUILD Limited 
Supplier in United States of America  gINT Software 

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