ASC Applied Software Consultants s.r.o.
Svoradova 7, Bratislava, 811 03
Contact name
Ján Gottweis
World Wide Web 
 Abutment  - Retaining wall design
 Beam  - Settlement analysis
 Cantilever wall  - Retaining wall design
 Earth pressures  - Retaining wall design
 FEM  - Numerical analysis (soil)
 Gabion  - Retaining wall design
 GEO5  - Geotechnical software suites
 Gravity wall  - Retaining wall design
 Ground Loss  - Settlement analysis
 Masonry wall  - Retaining wall design
 MICROPILE  - Piles (single)
 Nailed slopes  - Reinforced slopes and walls
 PILE CPT  - Piles (lateral loading and groups)
 Piles  - Piles (single)
 Plate  - Bearing capacity
 Prefab wall  - Retaining wall design
 Redi Rock Wall  - Retaining wall design
 Rock stability  - Slope stability (rock)
 Settlement  - Settlement analysis
 Sheeting check  - Retaining wall design
 Sheeting design  - Retaining wall design
 Slope stability (Fine)  - Slope stability (soil)
 Spread footing  - Bearing capacity
 Terrain  - Geological modelling
 Tunnel  - Numerical analysis (soil)

Geotechnical & Geoenvironmental Software Directory ©  Bedrock  2025