Category Database systems (with log production)
Publisher  M Z Associates 
Platform DOS, Win3x, Win95/98, WinNT
Status Freeware
Description SID (Site Investigation Database) is used to enter, store and output geotechnical data from site investigation fieldwork and laboratory testing. Produce borehole and trial pit logs in predefined or to any user customised format. Plot field and laboratory test results on over 170 predefined graphs or set up your own graph types. Contour geological strata or test data. Data for plotting can be selected by borehole and stratum or by multiple criteria. Data can be imported and exported in AGS format or to and from spreadsheets. Data integrity checking. Site plan and geological section plotting. Calculation of derived parameters from test results. Links to AutoSketch or AutoCAD for log, plan and section drawing, and to Grapher and Surfer for plotting. The Standard version provides the data input, edit and reporting functions, log production and basic graphing and includes AGS input and output. The Professional version provides more comprehensive data manipulation functions including data integrity checks, parameter calculations, QA tracking and over 170 pre-formatted graphical outputs including strata contouring and 3D block diagrams.
Cost Free on WWW
Data formats supported Drawings  :  DWG 
Geotechnical  :  AGS 
Supplier in United Kingdom  M Z Associates 

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