Category | Numerical analysis (soil) |
Publisher | GEO-SLOPE International Ltd. |
Platform | Win2000, WinXP, Vista |
Status | Commercial |
Description | SIGMA/W is a finite element program for geotechnical stress and deformation analysis. Constituent models: linear elastic, anisotropic linear elastic, non-linear elastic (hyperbolic), elastic-plastic (Tresca, Mohr-Coulomb failure criteria), strain softening (von Mises failure criteria), Cam clay (critical state), Modified Cam clay, any combination of these soil models can be used in a stress analysis. Analysis types: drained effective stress, undrained effective stress, total stress with pore water pressures based on total stress change, 2D plane strain, 3D axisymmetric, volume change (deformation due to changes in pore water pressure, uncoupled consolidation when integrated with SEEP/W), insitu stress analysis. Boundary conditions: x-y displacements, forces, pressures, spring constants, self-weight gravity loading, specified as constants or functions to allow for variable load increments. The model may be halted and restarted at any time step. Pore water pressure parameters A and B can be specified as functions of deviatoric stress and pore pressure respectively. The results can be displayed graphically as: a deformed mesh, displacement vectors, contours, graphs and shaded yield zones. The computed parameters can be displayed as contours or graphs for any model increment or the total model. Soil-structure interaction can be modelled by including structural components in the FE mesh that have equivalent structural stiffnesses. Loads can be added or removed from the model at any time step. New features in 2007 version: Multiple analyses of similar or different types can be done in a single project file. Different solutions can be compared in the same file. Staged analyses can be done for construction sequencing with moving boundary conditions. Define boundary conditions and material properties by geometry region, rather than on the finite element mesh. Unstructured quadrilateral mesh with fine-tuning options. Interface elements can be added on lines to model soil-structure interactions, liners and geo-fabrics, cutoff walls and wick drains. Define a results graph on a geometry object (line, point, or region) or on a cut line or plane. Plot multiple results graphs together to compare data. Make a movie of analysis results to show how results change over time. Custom user add-in functions to define material property or boundary condition functions using internal solver data or external data held in Excel or any other .NET program. Examples with a detailed discussion on how to use and apply the relevant features and how to interpret the results. Fault-tolerant licensing on a wide area network. Beams and bars can exist in space on geometry lines and don't need to be tied to soil elements. Interface elements and a friction-based soil-structure interaction material model. Specify different behavior on each side of the interface. The interface can cross over different soil strata. Include total stress drained soil regions with effective stress and pore-water pressure regions in the same analysis. Stress Redistribution and C-Phi Reduction. Circular opening mesh with boundary conditions applied on the opening edge. Add an interface element to simulate a tunnel liner. Submerged deposition analyses option. Adaptive load stepping to help with convergence issues in non linear Elastic-Plastic models. A free evaluation version is available. |
Cost | US Dollars 4,495, free evaluation version |
Data formats supported | None stated |
Supplier in Canada | GEO-SLOPE International Ltd. |
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