Category Piles (single)
Publisher  University of Sydney 
Platform DOS
Status Commercial
Description SCARP computes the axial deflections and load distribution along a single pile, or a pile within a group, when subjected to specified sequences of static and/or cyclic loading. For static loading, either load-controlled or displacement-controlled loading may be specified. For cyclic loading, each loading set involves a specified number of cycles with specified values of mean and cyclic load (i.e. the loading is load-controlled). The program uses a simplified boundary element formulation in which the soil mass is represented by an elastic continuum. Allowance is made for pile-soil slip along the interface and end-bearing failure by specifying limiting values of the pile-soil stress at each element of the pile. Strain-softening behaviour of the interface can also be considered. For cyclic loading, the program allows for three major effects: the cyclic degradation of shaft resistance; end-bearing resistance and soil modulus; the effects of loading rate; the accumulation of permanent displacements under non-zero mean loading. Possible effects of pore pressure generation in the soil adjacent to the pile are also allowed for, although these are of a highly speculative nature. A cycle-by-cycle analysis procedure is used, whereby the pile response at each cycle of load is analysed, the soil parameters being adjusted for cyclic loading effects at the end of each cycle.
Cost Australian Dollars 1,925
Data formats supported None stated
Supplier in Australia  University of Sydney 

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