Category Insitu testing
Publisher  Geosoft Ltd (Poland) 
Platform Win95/98, WinNT, Win2000, WinXP
Status Commercial
Description CPT-pro is a modular program for the analysis, interpretation and presentation of CPT soundings. The Interpretation module enables manipulation of data files, presentation of sounding results and interpretation. Features include: Upto 100 channels; Suppression of zeros; Elimination of non-representative measurements; Adjustments for vertical offsets; Splicing data from two separate soundings; Computation of Svo, qt, Rf, Bq, Fr and mean values; Creation of sounding logs with graphs of individual parameters and interpreted profiles with geological symbols; Variable scales; User defined sounding sheet templates; Graphics options for customizing the sounding sheet; Batch mode serial interpretation; Batch printing; Direct readout of individual parameters from graphs; Soil classification (Robertson et al 1986, 1990); Interpretation of Density index (Jamiolkowski, 1985 and Lancelotta, 1993), Coefficient of lateral stress Ko in fine-grained soils (Kulhawy, Mayne1990) and in coarse-grained soils (Mayne, 1992), Constrained modulus Mo in fine-grained soils (Kulhawy, Mayne 1990) and in coarse-grained soils (Lunne, Christophersen 1983); Correlation with SPT results with computation of N60 (Robertson, 1986). Includes CPT-Explorer with thumbnails browser, tools for creating a project structure, and for file management. The Profile Editor module enables user entry of investigation data such as borehole or dynamic sounding logs which can be described and printed as for sounding logs. The Cross Section module enables the preparation of geotechnical sections including CPT soundings, interpreted sounding logs, stand pipe piezometers with water level and other investigation data. Each investigation location can be presented as a geological profile with appropriate symbols and/or with the graph of any sounding parameter or interpreted parameter. Sections can be drawn through any selection of holes or projected from a selected corridor. The Project Manager module gives information about the type of CPT tests and measured parameters in all CPT data files and is used for editing of header data. The Sample Data Base module holds information on soil samples including sample details, descriptions and test results. The samples and associated data can be plotted on the CPT records and cross sections. Logs and sections can be customised with a logo, annotated in any language, and exported as WMF or EMF files. All measurements as depths or reduced levels in m or ft. Adjustable top and bottom axis. Import and export of data in GEF, Dutch and AGS Formats. Extended AGS import/export procedures with conversion of geological and legend codes. An add-on Formula Editor allows user defined interpretation functions. The Map module integrates with the Explorer and Interpretation modules and provides display of test locations, import, edit, creation and export of maps in DXF format, and export in BMP, EMF and JPG formats. A demonstration version is available on the WWW.
Cost Interp. Euros 1400; Formula E 350; Xsection E 700; Profile E 150; Sample E 250; Map E 800
Data formats supported Drawings  :  DXF 
Geotechnical  :  AGS   :  GEF 
Images  :  JPEG   :  Windows bitmap   :  Windows metafile 
Supplier in Canada  Baziw Consulting Engineers Ltd. 
Supplier in Germany  Wille Geotechnik GmbH 
Supplier in Netherlands  GeoMil Equipment B.V. 
Supplier in Poland  Geosoft Ltd (Poland) 
Supplier in Sweden  Geotech AB 
Supplier in United Kingdom  GeoMEM Limited 
Supplier in United States of America  Geoprobe Systems 

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