Category Groundwater modelling
Publisher  BRGM 
Platform DOS, Win3x, Win95/98, WinNT, UNIX, OpenVMS
Status Commercial
Description MARTHE is a Finite Difference full 3D and multilayer groundwater model. Irregular rectangular cells, short circuits between layers. Transient state. Saturated and unsaturated zone. Density effect of the fluid. Transport of mass. Transport of energy (temperature). Transport by Finite Difference, or MOC , or Random Walk. Multiphase flow (water + oil or water+ gas or oil + gas). Salt water interface. Hydrochemistry coupling. Gas transport. Coupled river (and drain) network. Coupled climatological balance (rainfall, potential evapo-transpiration). Fractures equivalent conductivities. Overflow conditions at the surface. Automatic calibration and inverse modelling. French and English versions.
Cost French Francs 20 000
Data formats supported None stated
Supplier in France  BRGM 

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