Category Settlement analysis
Platform DOS
Status Commercial
Description FOCALS analyses a layered system subject to loading from superstructures such as footings and raft foundations taking full account of the interaction between super-structure, raft and soil. The program performs a static, elastic analysis of a 3D loaded plate resting on a layered cross anisotropic system. The loads may be applied directly to the plate, or through structural elements connected to the plate. It is applicable to the design of raft foundations, plates on ground and the interaction of rectangular footings provided they can be broken into a number of uniformly sized rectangular areas. Multi-layered soil/rock mass which can consist of combination of isotropic and anisotropic layers. Rigorous modelling of foundation and superstructure rigidity by plate and beam elements. Full 3D analysis without overheads associated with general purpose finite element analysis. Simple input data requirements (minimal mesh preparation): geometry and elastic properties of plate and beam elements; thickness and elastic properties of layers; loads on superstructure. Comprehensive range of output: displacements and rotations at soil/foundation interface; contact stresses at soil/foundation interface; stresses and bending moments in plate and beam elements; principal stresses and strains. It was developed as a result of an investigation into the design of raft foundations for multi-storey buildings at CSIRO. The equation solving code and the beam element are based on the University of California program SAP 2 (SOLID SAP) (Wilson, 1971). The plate/shell element originates from program SAP 4 (Bathe, Wilson and Peterson, 1973).
Data formats supported None stated
Supplier in Australia  MINCAD Systems Pty. Ltd 

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