Category Geoenvironmental database systems
Publisher  GIS-Solutions, Inc. 
Platform Win95/98, WinNT
Status Commercial
Description GIS-Key is an integrated system for managing, reporting and visualizing subsurface geology, hydrology and chemical contaminant data. Scout, a Windows Explorer-like interface, manages projects, security and GIS\Key from a single interface. Scout's patented SmartQuery system helps the user find, filter and output data to reports, graphs and maps. GIS\Key integrates data import/validation and compliance reporting with the graphics and mapping functions needed for a complete CERCLA, RCRA, DOD or DOE site assessment, monitoring or remediation project. Contains links to other GIS software. Verified for use on Superfund projects by the US EPAs SITE program. Features for Chemistry: Three levels of sample tracking and data verification; Isopleth maps of soil/water quality in plan or section view; Chemical concentration time series graphs inter/intra-well; Trilinear Piper and Stiff diagrams; Chemical concentration versus position graphs; Automated "alerts" (exception reports) for all Q/C results or ionic balance vs. objectives, concentration outside historical range or above MCLs; Graphical summary of statistics. Features for Geology: User customizable boring logs; Smart geological cross-section diagrams with automated profiling; Isopach maps; Structure maps; Modflow integration. Features for Hydrology: Density corrected water level contour maps; Floating product contour maps; Hydraulic conductivity contour maps; Water elevation versus time graphs; Floating product thickness versus time graphs; Extraction well graphs; Modflow integration. All Modules: Presentation quality summary reports and data export; IRPIMS export; Direct export to leading 3D modeling and analysis tools. Spatial Data Manager visualizes and summarizes map-based data for multiple sites. Links to GIS\Key Statistics for statistical analysis of chemical data and to GIS\Key Winlogs for borehole log production.
Cost Modules start at US Dollars 495. Complete system US Dollars 15,000
Data formats supported Geoenvironmental  :  IRPIMS/ERPIMS 
Geological  :  WinLog 
Supplier in United States of America  GIS-Solutions, Inc. 

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