Category | Slope stability (soil) |
Publisher | GeoDelft (Netherlands) |
Platform | Win95/98, WinNT, Win2000 |
Status | Commercial |
Description | MStab carries out stability analysis by the Bishop, Fellenius and Spencer methods. It provides automatic search of the critical slip circle; user-defined zones that the circle will not cross; integration of geotextiles; user-defined non-circular slip plane; temporary and permanent loads; pore pressures and degree of consolidation; Mohr-Coulomb soil parameters; output of global safety factor; output of safety contours; output of stress components along slip plane. The calculation methods for circular and non-circular planes determine the critical slip circle in an iterative fashion. The trials that it performs are based on a grid of center points and a set of horizontal tangent lines. The grid can move towards the direction with the lowest safety factor during the calculation process. The position of the tangent lines is fixed. For non-circular slip planes the safety against failing is determined by means of Spencer's method. The position of the slip surface is determined by user-defined co-ordinates. It is an integrated part of the GeoDelft M-Series of programs and can exchange relevant data with the central project database (MGeoBase), or directly with the other components for transient settlements (MSettle), seepage (MSeep) and directional drilling (MDrill). Interactive input of 2D geometry with arbitrary shaped layers via drawing, or via data entry in forms. Each layer is connected to a certain soil type. Definition of piezometric heads along lines, optionally layer-by-layer. It is possible to model geotextiles via input of straight sections. Besides input of Mohr-Coulomb cohesion c and angle of internal friction a stress dependent friction can be defined via input of a sigma-tau curve. It is also possible to use only undrained cohesion. Pore water pressures can be defined with piezometric level lines or with a degree of consolidation per soil layer. It is also possible to include the effect of suction above the phreatic line. Permanent point loads can be located anywhere in the geometry. Distributed loads can be defined as permanent or temporary loads on the surface. For these loads an angle of dispersion can be defined. For the temporary loads a degree of consolidation must be given. To simulate earthquake loading, an additional horizontal and vertical acceleration is defined together with a drag down of the free water and an excess pore pressure ratio. Analysis results are presented in a tabular and graphical form. |
Cost | 2, 500 Euros |
Data formats supported | None stated |
Supplier in Netherlands | GeoDelft (Netherlands) |
Supplier in United Kingdom | GeoDelft (UK) |
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