Category Contaminant modelling
Publisher  Golder Associates 
Platform DOS
Status Public domain
Description The Monitoring Analysis Package (MAP) has been developed as a tool for the design of monitoring networks. It consists of the Plume Generation Model PLUME, the Monitoring Efficiency Model MEMO, and the Contamination Probability Model COPRO. The package includes utilities for data input and well location adjustment for efficiency determinations. Displays intermediate and final results in graphic form directly on screen or to a HP laser printer, or saves the results in HPGL and ASCII files. PLUME uses a 2D analytical transport function for solute released along a continuous line source in an aquifer with a uniform flow field. MEMO provides a computerised method for optimising monitoring well locations at waste management areas. The user inputs site geometry, hydrogeologic characteristics and initial monitoring well locations, and MEMO determines the efficiency of this monitoring network configurations in terms of the ratio of the area from which a release would be likely to be detected to the total potential source area. The user can change the location of the wells and add or delete wells. COPRO maps the probabilities of down-gradient contamination from a single random leak within a defined irregular shaped potential source area. Program operation and data entry/editing is by a menu driven user interface. Output includes tabular and graphic display on screen.
Cost US Dollars 95
Data formats supported Printer  :  HPGL 
Supplier in United States of America  International Ground Water Modeling Center 

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