Category Groundwater flow (2D)
Platform DOS
Status Public domain
Description GWFLOW is a simple program for quick single point calculations that brings together seven frequently used analytical solutions for ground-water flow problems in homogeneous, isotropic aquifers. The modules are: 1) nonsteady-state flow in a nonleaky confined aquifer with a single production or injection well; 2) nonsteady-state flow in a nonleaky confined aquifer with a partially penetrating well; 3) nonsteady-state flow in a leaky confined aquifer with a single production or injection well; 4) steady-state flow in a leaky confined aquifer with a single production or injection well; 5) nonsteady-state flow in two mutually leaky confined aquifers with a single production or injection well in the lower aquifer; 6) nonsteady-state flow in an unconfined aquifer with a circular recharge area; and 7) depletion of a fully penetrating stream due to pumping of a fully penetrating production well in an unconfined aquifer. Menu driven, data entry is interactive, results are directly displayed on-screen in text form.
Cost US Dollars 50
Data formats supported None stated
Supplier in United States of America  International Ground Water Modeling Center 

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