Category Groundwater modelling
Publisher  Ohio State University 
Platform DOS
Status Public domain
Description CAPZONE is an analytical flow model that can be used to construct ground-water flow models of 2D flow systems characterised by isotropic and homogeneous confined, leaky-confined, or unconfined flow conditions. Computes drawdowns at the intersections of a regularly-spaced rectangular grid produced by up to 100 wells using either the Theis equation or the Hantush-Jacob equation. The grid can contain up to 75 rows and columns. Computed drawdowns in unconfined aquifers are corrected for aquifer dewatering using Jacob's correction equation. Computed drawdowns can be subtracted from either regional (non-uniform) water levels stored in a file using the same rectangular grid, or from water levels obtained from an assumed uniform hydraulic gradient. Computed heads and/or drawdowns can be saved in a file format compatible with any x-y-z format contouring program and in formats compatible with any x-y-z or row-col-col format particle-tracking program. Computed heads and/or drawdowns can also be displayed in tabular format or sent to a printer. The program prompts for inputs and builds input data file which can be edited in the pre-processor. It creates output files compatible with commercial contouring package, or for use in GWPATH for plotting capture zones.
Cost US Dollars 95
Data formats supported None stated
Supplier in United States of America  International Ground Water Modeling Center 

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