Category | Contaminant transport (2D analytical) |
Platform | DOS |
Status | Public domain |
Description | AGU-10 is a collection of public domain screening level analytical flow and transport programs for homogeneous, isotropic flow fields, based on the American Geophysical Union's Water Resources Monograph 10. It consists of five simulation programs and a utility program in FORTRAN, and two pre-/post-processors in Microsoft QuickBASIC. Output is in tabular and graphical format. Models include: RESSQ: (no graphics) is a semi-analytical model of 2D flow and advective solute transport from a combination of point sources in an homogeneous, isotropic, confined aquifer. ZQWELL: is a utility to include the effects of zero-flow rate injection wells in a RESSQ data file. RESCUE: (graphics included) an interactive runtime shell for RESSQ allowing the user to create and edit input data files, run RESSQ, display results in graphical form on screen, and prepare a HPGL-format plot file of the results. LTIRD: (no graphics) is an analytical solution for simulation of advective-dispersive solute transport in a radial flow field. ODAST: (no graphics) is an analytical solution for evaluating 1D solute transport including advection, dispersion, decay (at source and in the aquifer), and linear equilibrium sorption. TDAST: (no graphics) is an analytical solution for evaluating 2D solute transport including advection, dispersion, decay (at source and in the aquifer), and linear equilibrium sorption. RT: (no graphics) converts a time series of concentration data from one or more observation wells into a spatial concentration distribution for the aquifer at specified times. ART: (graphics included) is an interactive runtime shell for the program RT and includes a pre- and post-processor allowing the user to create a new file, edit an existing data set, run RT, and graphically display the original time series data as well as the contoured spatial distribution at a particular time on screen. Includes source codes and example data sets. Documentation includes AGU Water Resources Monograph # 10. |
Cost | US Dollars 150 |
Data formats supported |
Supplier in United States of America | International Ground Water Modeling Center |
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