Category Borehole log production
Publisher  Rockware Inc. 
Platform Win95/98, WinNT, Win2000, WinXP
Status Commercial
Description LogPlot log plotting package features: Flexibility in log design - use a pre-configured design as-is (25+ shipped with the program), or create your own with the Log Designer that is included. The Designer has point, click, and drag capabilities. Pattern and Symbol Editors let you customize lithologic patterns and log symbols. Association of lithologic descriptions with graphic patterns. EZ Log Wizard and the built-in tutorial aid getting started. Data entry using the built-in Editor. Simple to complex headers, up to a page in length, with both fixed and changeable text and BMP or WMF logos. Create different headers for the first page and subsequent log pages. Automatic page numbering. Quantitative data can be graphed as curves or histograms, linear or logarithmic scaling. Variable curve line style and color, and curve and histogram fills. User-controlled horizontal and vertical grid lines. "Fill bars" can illustrate sampling intervals or qualitative information. Logs can be plotted at any vertical scale on the screen and printer, with screen scroll bars and advance to other pages. Both English and metric unit scaling. Export log diagrams as BMP or WMF for reports. LAS format converter available. Free trial version available on WWW.
Cost US Dollars 599: Academic US Dollars 199
Data formats supported Geophysics  :  LAS 
Images  :  Windows bitmap   :  Windows metafile 
Supplier in Greece  MP & Associates 
Supplier in India  Synergy Software Systems 
Supplier in Japan  Hulinks Corp 
Supplier in New Zealand  GroundSearch Geophysics Ltd. 
Supplier in South Africa  Red Dog Scientific Services 
Supplier in United Kingdom  GeoMEM Limited 
Supplier in United States of America  BOSS International 
Supplier in United States of America  Rockware Inc. 

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