Category Rock mechanics
Platform Win95/98, WinNT, Win2000, WinXP
Status Commercial
Description GDA (Geomechanical Design Analysis) is a modular program that examines the stability of underground openings using empirical, numerical and analytical rock engineering approaches. It enables the user to conduct both deterministic and sensitivity analyses, which can analyze the significance that certain design parameters can have on the stability of underground openings in a single plot. The user can move data and analyses within the three analysis modules or use them independently. Images can be sent to a printer, or be exported directly to other software. The empirical analysis module includes: Rock mass classification using RMR, GSI, Q, Q'; Derivation of rock mass properties for input to numerical modelling; Span, support and stand-up-time sensitivity analyses for ranges of RMR and Q values; Mathews stope stability analysis and sensitivity analyses for different stope shapes, sizes and orientations, as well as rock mass quality and in-situ stresses; Empirical design analyses for dilution and cablebolting. The stress analysis module utilizes a 2D boundary element plain strain analysis, with an out-of-plane component. There are three basic shapes that the user can choose from. 3D orientation of far field stresses can be input. The user can select from twelve analysis criteria and examine orientation, shape and size effects. Sensitivity analyses can be displayed through bar charts and radar plots. A contour display enables the user to view the distribution of the selected parameters for each of the steps of the sensitivity analysis. The wedge analysis module includes: 3D tetrahedral wedge type failure for drifts, intersections and stopes. Sensitivity analyses can be carried out in terms of the shape, size and orientation for the selected opening. Results are examined in terms of wedge weight or factor of safety against failure. Support effects with bolts and liners (eg shotcrete) can be considered. Wedge size control through maximum apex height and joint set persistence is available. Full 3D visualization effects are also available.
Cost US Dollars 2500
Data formats supported None stated
Supplier in United States of America  Rockware Inc. 

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