Category Database systems (with log production)
Publisher  Keynetix Ltd 
Platform Win95/98, WinNT, Win2000, WinXP
Status Commercial
Description HoleBASE III is a relational database engine to control and organise the many data tables specified in AGS Data Interchange Format version 3. This set of tables includes sample, geology, and core data, in situ testing, and downhole instrumentation. Tables and functions for laboratory test results, including gas & chemical concentrations, and dynamic/static penetrometer data are offered in optional modules. User-defined tables and fields can be added and modified. Each project can accommodate thousands of exploratory hole records with minimal effect on performance. Features include: Site Plan and Geological Sections, laboratory test and contaminant data reporting functions, batch printing of multiple forms and borehole logs, and extensive query and report facilities. It also creates XYZ files of ground surface, geological, chemical and contamination data for proprietary modelling software to create digital ground models. It is a modular application, additional modules may be added by remote licensing. It may be run on stand-alone PC's or installed on a network server. QA facilities control and track all data transactions - what was changed, when, and by whom? Dockable Toolbars allow access and drilling down through the data hierarchy with any number of forms being displayed simultaneously for comparison and analysis. Production of borehole and trialpit logs, graphs, data charts and header sheets. The system comes with a number of form layouts to BS5930 standards and the optional Visual Form Designer allows users to modify these or define new ones from scratch. Full support for AGS Data Interchange Format Versions 2 & 3. Support for External Document Files, Digital Drawings and Photographs. Tools for customizing at Local, Project, and System levels. Toolkit for Database Management, Manipulation and Repair.
Cost Base module GB Pounds 1195, Optional modules GB Pounds 145 to 495
Data formats supported Geotechnical  :  AGS 
Supplier in United Kingdom  Keynetix Ltd 

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