Category | Contaminant transport (2D FEM) |
Publisher | Schlumberger Water Services |
Platform | DOS |
Status | Commercial |
Description | FLONET-TRANS (v.3.1) for 2-D cross-sectional groundwater flow and contaminant transport modeling uses the dual formulation of hydraulic potentials and streamlines to solve the saturated groundwater flow equation and create flownet diagrams for any two-dimensional, saturated groundwater flow system. Also simulates advective-dispersive contaminant transport problems with spatially variable retardation and multiple source terms. Main Features: Automatic finite element mesh generation. Flexible mesh design (deformable mesh). Object-oriented properties and boundary conditions. Spatially variable soil properties. Customizable display of equipotentials, streamlines, velocities and concentrations. Plot concentration vs. time at multiple observation points. Color-shading of all contoured results. All modeling results can be printed or exported to ASCII, .DXF or .WMF file formats. Flow boundary conditions: Constant Head, and Specified Flux. The aquifer properties: Hydraulic conductivity (Kh and Kv), Porosity, Angle of flow, Retardation coefficient. The transport boundary conditons: Constant Concentration (Type I), and Flux Concentration (Type III). Flow properties: Source Decay Rate (1/T), Contaminant Decay Rate (1/T), Longitudinal Dispersivity (L), Transverse Dispersivity (L), Diffusion Coefficient (L2/T), Any number of monitoring points can be assigned throughout the model domain to track the concentration at a specific location. Contoured results including: Equipotentials, Streamlines, and Concentrations. Streamlines, Flow Velocity Vectors, and Boundary Fluxes. A demonstration version is available on the WWW. |
Cost | US Dollars 495 |
Data formats supported |
Images : Windows metafile |
Supplier in Brazil | Waterloo Brazil Ltda. |
Supplier in Canada | Schlumberger Water Services |
Supplier in Egypt | Noor Scientific & Trade |
Supplier in Germany | HarbourDOM Consulting |
Supplier in Hungary | Jakab es Tarsai Kft. |
Supplier in Japan | RAAX Co., Ltd. |
Supplier in Japan | Terra Corporation |
Supplier in Russian Federation | O Plus K, Inc |
Supplier in Spain | RAMTOR, S.A. |
Supplier in United States of America | International Ground Water Modeling Center |
Supplier in United States of America | Scientific Software Group |
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