Category | Dynamics (behaviour and earthquake) |
Platform | DOS |
Status | Public domain |
Description | CUMLIQ is used for the evaluation of potential for liquefaction of a soil deposit using random vibration procedures. Estimates the potential for seismic liquefaction using known field and laboratory data of soils in combination with general statistical parameters of earthquakes. The program is designed to perform the operation according to the mathematical procedure described in "A Stochastic Approach to the Seismic Liquefaction Problem," by N.C. Donovan. A check on the applicability of the method was made by recomputing the 34 cases of liquefaction and non-liquefaction reported by Seed and Peacock (1970). The agreement between the analytical evaluations and the field observations was excellent. |
Cost | Free on WWW |
Data formats supported | None stated |
Supplier in United States of America | NISEE - University of California, Berkeley |
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