Infinite Extent
Category | Aquifer test analysis |
Publisher | Starpoint Software |
Platform | Win3x, Win95/98, WinNT, Win2000 |
Status | Commercial |
Description | Infinite Extent is aquifer pump test analysis software with on-screen type curve matching. Analysis methods: Theis Confined Aquifer, Walton Leaky Aquifer, Hantush Leaky Aquifer, Neuman Unconfined Aquifer, Hantush's Modification of Theis Method for Partial Penetration. Automatic parameter estimation methods: Specific Capacity, Theis Confined Aquifer by Slope-Matching, Hantush Leaky Aquifer Steady-State by Slope-Matching, Theim Confined and Unconfined Aquifer Steady-State, Distance-Drawdown for Multiple Observation Well Tests. On-screen interactive graphical analysis: Distance-Drawdown, Theis Recovery. Features: Maximum of 2000 time and drawdown values for five wells. Import time and drawdown data logger files for single or multiple well file formats. Arithmetic, Semi-Log, and Log-Log data graphs. Special calculators estimate well yield, radius-of-influence, and steady-state well drawdown. Huisman I and II partial penetration correction. Specific capacity calculator estimates transmissivity with partial penetration using. Bradbury and Rothchild algorithm. Free demonstration and academic versions are available on the WWW. |
Cost | US Dollars 195 |
Data formats supported | None stated |
Supplier in United States of America | Rockware Inc. |
Supplier in United States of America | Scientific Software Group |
Supplier in United States of America | Starpoint Software |
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