Category Reinforced slopes and walls
Publisher  Geocentrix Ltd 
Platform Win95/98, WinNT
Status Commercial
Description ReActiv is an interactive program for designing reinforced slopes in a wide variety of soil types using geotextiles, geogrids and soil nails. Compatible with DOT Advice Note HA 68. The user enters the slope geometry, soil properties, water regime, surcharge and reinforcement properties. ReActiv uses the two part wedge mechanism to calculate the stabilising force the reinforcement must provide. The program automatically determines the mechanism needing the largest stabilising force and that needing no reinforcement and uses these to calculate the required reinforcement. The results are presented in spreadsheet and graphical format. It includes an extensive data checking system and a database of soil properties. Tested using the AGS guide to the validation and use of geotechnical software. A working trial edition is available free of charge.
Cost GB Pounds 995
Data formats supported None stated
Supplier in Hong Kong  Solutions Research Centre Ltd. (Hong Kong) 
Supplier in Malaysia  Solutions Research Centre (Malaysia) 
Supplier in Singapore  Solutions Research Centre (Singapore) 
Supplier in United Kingdom  Geocentrix Ltd 

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