Category Plotting (3D visualisation)
Publisher  Eighteen Software 
Platform Win3x, Win95/98, WinNT, Win2000, WinXP
Status Commercial
Description TopoMorpher uses Digital Elevation Models to produce simulated, stereoscopic three-dimensional renderings that offer many capabilities for civil engineers, professional geologists, or researchers. An emphasis has been placed on engineering geology, geomorphology, and hydrogeology. A stereoscopic cursor moves on the ground and offers a continuous display of elevations or slopes. You may zoom in or out, tilt, add contours and a grid of coordinates. It can enhance the stereoscopic 3D rendering (relief exaggeration, shading, orientation, scale). Different types of watershed analysis can be performed. Statistical measurements, including the plot of hypsographs, can be performed. All results are exported to a spreadsheet program. Ground stability may be assessed. Several modes of shading are available: simulated sun shading (with adjustable inclination and azimuth), slope shading (with adjustable threshold), or Laplacian shading. It can be used for stability assessments of terrain hazard rating, including debris landslides or debris flows. It is possible to define and display, in stereoscopic 3D, the intersection of planes (faults, fractures, old structural surfaces) with the ground, using different modes. It is possible to exchange "shapefiles" with other GIS applications, to overlay bitmaps, such as satellite images, topographic maps, aerial orthophotos, etc. onto the DEMs. It comes with a database and it is possible to import new data from many different formats and sources (USGS, SDTS, Arcinfo Grid Format, binary files, etc.). Tools are provided to allow the stitching of DEMs together, to correct data, to change the system of projection, to change the horizontal resolution.
Cost Site licence US Dollars 2999. Single licence US Dollars 555
Data formats supported None stated
Supplier in United States of America  Eighteen Software 

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