One Point
Category | Laboratory testing (soil) |
Publisher | Pytel, Frank |
Platform | WinXP, Vista, Excel |
Status | Shareware |
Description | One Point is an Excel spreadsheet to calculate a field one point result using the Maximum Wet Density / Speedy Moisture method, a standard proctor using the ASTM D698-91 / AASHTO T99 method(s), a modified proctor using the ASTM D1557-91 / AASHTO T180 method(s) or any combination of the three. The curve chart dynamically changes to produce the curve for your lab results or point for your field examinations. The registered version includes your state for the One Point field examinations, grain size charting, the ability to customize the charts, create pivot tables for in depth analysis, custom chart value feedback, free update when your states DOT changes the local family of curves and custom formatting. |
Cost | Registered version US Dollars 25. Freeware version available on WWW. |
Data formats supported | None stated |
Supplier in United States of America | Pytel, Frank |
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