Category | Numerical analysis (general) |
Publisher | MIDAS IT Co., Ltd. |
Platform | WinNT, Win2000, WinXP |
Status | Commercial |
Description | midasGTS is a 3D finite element program for general geotechnical applications including tunnels, slope stability, earth retaining structures, foundations, excavations, soil-structure interaction, settlement, seepage and consolidation analysis. A built in Tunnel Wizard provides 3D tunnel modeling, which defines construction stages with a pattern of rock bolts and temporary supports. Analysis functions include: linear and non-linear static analysis (tunnel lining, construction stage and consolidation), linear and non-linear dynamic analysis, seepage analysis (steady state and transient), coupled stress-flow analysis and slope stability by the Strength Reduction Method. Multi-Frontal Sparse-Gaussian direct and iterative solvers are included. Various element types include solid, plane strain/stress, axisymmetric, interface (2D/3D), truss, beam, plate and compression/tension only. A total of 14 material models and user-defined material subroutines are provided including Mohr-Coulomb, Duncan-Chang, Hoek-Brown, Tresca/Von Misses, Druker-Prager, Strain Softening, Jointed Rock, (Modified) Cam-Clay, London Clay and small-stiffness strain models. It offers built-in CAD software. CAD interfaces include DWG, Parasolid, ACIS SAT, CATIA, VDA-FS, Pro/E, SolidWorks, Inventor and Unigraphics with capabilities of Repair, Transformation (or Defeaturing) and Flavouring. Terrain Geometry Maker is an exclusive module, which creates geometry (surface/solid) representing complex ground models from a digital map (DXF format). Fully Auto-mesh (three algorithms), Map-mesh and Protrude-mesh methods are contained, which allow generation of a virtually infinite number of elements. The solid mesher generates 200,000 elements per minute. Various element size control methods are provided including the adaptive seeding function. The program automatically determines the distribution of nodes according to the geometric characteristics on the basis of a user-defined element size. It supports a variety of mesh manipulation and checking functionality (free edges, free faces, mesh quality). Post processing includes dynamic generation of reports, auto generation of results in tables (Excel compatible), graphs and animations. Graphical manipulation includes Flying View, Transformation, Iso-surfaces, Legend Control and Slice, Clipping, Partitioned, Vector, Diagram and Hybrid Plots. |
Cost | Euros 17,000. Additional modules: Euros 2,000 - 3,000. All modules: Euros 25,000. Academic discounts |
Data formats supported |
Database and Spreadsheet
: Excel
Drawings : DWG : DXF |
Supplier in China | MIDAS Information Technology, China Co., Ltd. |
Supplier in India | SoftTech Engineers Pvt Ltd. |
Supplier in Iran | Petro Farayand Aria Co., Ltd. |
Supplier in Italy | CSPFea |
Supplier in Lithuania | UAB IN RE |
Supplier in Malaysia | MIDASoft Sdn Bhd |
Supplier in Netherlands | TNO DIANA BV |
Supplier in Poland | Mmgeo |
Supplier in South Korea | MIDAS IT Co., Ltd. |
Supplier in Taiwan | MIDAS (Taiwan) Co., Ltd. |
Supplier in Thailand | Beta Engineering Consultant Co., Ltd. |
Supplier in United Arab Emirates | e.construct FZ-LLC |
Supplier in United Kingdom | TNO DIANA |
Supplier in United States of America | TNO DIANA North America Inc. |
Supplier in Vietnam | CIP HANOI Co., Ltd. |
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