Category Field data collection
Publisher  A F Howland Associates 
Platform WinCE
Status Commercial
Description GEODASY CE is a practical method of creating electronic geotechnical data at source using a hand-held logging device. It combines a Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) with a data entry system for the GEODASY geotechnical database. Features include: Enter data by keypad, touch screen or by handwriting recognition. Import data directly into GEODASY from backup files created on the PDA. Create AGS Format files directly at the PDA. Email GEODASY or AGS files directly from the PDA to any client from the field. Import data received by email to define new contract or borehole information to assist data collection. Abbreviation codes to cut down entry time of descriptions.
Cost GB Pounds 450
Data formats supported Geotechnical  :  AGS 
Supplier in United Kingdom  A F Howland Associates 

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