Category Bearing capacity
Publisher  Imbsen Software Systems 
Platform Win95/98, WinNT, Win2000
Status Commercial
Description WinFAD designs or checks a reinforced concrete Footing using either the "1996 AASHTO with Interims" or the "2000 Caltrans Bridge Design Specifications" of the California Department of Transportation. The program designs spread and pile footings subjected to biaxial bending moments and axial loads. It determines footing thickness and areas of reinforcing steel, which satisfy AASHTO Load Factor requirements. AASHTO load groups I to VI are included in the group combinations. Individual loads, input at the service level, are factored and combined in accordance with the AASHTO group combinations for Load Factor Design. Live loadings which produce maxima for each of the two bending moments and the axial load are further subdivided into 3 cases for Load Combination Groups, I, III, IV and VI. Seismic design is in accordance with AASHTO Standard Specifications for Seismic Design of Highway Bridges or Caltrans Specifications for Group VII Loading. Arbitrary loads defined by the user can be included in the family of loadings. Results include: Required footing thickness; Required flexural reinforcement based on AASHTO Group Load Combinations and Plastic Hinging Analysis as well as minimum required reinforcement (AASHTO 8.17.1), minimum two way rectangular footing reinforcement (Caltrans and serviceability requirements (AASHTO Footing shear reinforcement check. Maximum and minimum pile loads based on both Service Load Design and Load Factor Design. Maximum and minimum spread footing soil pressures for both Service Load Design and Load Factor Design. Footing quantities and cost estimate.
Cost US Dollars 1300
Data formats supported None stated
Supplier in United States of America  Imbsen Software Systems 

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