Category Numerical analysis (rock)
Publisher  CANMET 
Platform Win3x
Status Commercial
Description BEAP3D integrates 3-D structural analysis with the mine design process. The program is designed to handle the specific analytic needs of the mining industry. BEAP3D uses Advanced Computer Aided Design graphics to provide display of mining structures, accuracy checking of input data, specification of stress and displacement calculation points, and graphical presentation of calculated results. BEAP3D consists of two modules: BEAP and MINE DESIGNER (MD). BEAP is the analytical module for 3-D boundary element stress analysis, which has many applications and features related to rock mechanics and geotechnical engineering, such as underground mines, open pits, tunnels and shafts. MD is an automated graphical data generation program that integrates numerical modelling with the mine design process. MD is designed to generate the geometrical input data required by BEAP. MD also allows the user to graphically define a mining problem at various stages of the mine design process, and to display the results of analysis. A non-working demonstration version is available on WWW.
Data formats supported None stated
Supplier in Canada  CANMET 

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