Category | Numerical analysis (soil) |
Publisher | TERRASOL |
Platform | Win95/98, WinNT, Win2000, WinXP |
Status | Commercial |
Description | FOXTA is a program for the design of shallow foundations, deep foundations, pile groups, piled-raft foundations, rigid inclusions, etc. It is composed of 8 modules: shallow and deep foundations, oedometric settlement of a multi-layered soil, pile axial loading, pile with lateral loading, negative skin friction and pile groups. Each module can be used as a stand-alone application, or several modules can be combined for more complex projects (rigid inclusions, piled-raft foundations, pile groups etc). The program is available in French only, but some documentation is available in English. Three versions are available: full version, pile version (5 modules), Lt version (5 modules). A demo version can be downloaded from the www. |
Cost | Euros 4000 |
Data formats supported | None stated |
Supplier in Australia | Techsoft Australasia Pty. Ltd. |
Supplier in Brazil | Terratek Ltd |
Supplier in France | TERRASOL |
Supplier in Greece | Neotek |
Supplier in India | AIMIL Ltd - ATES division |
Supplier in Iran | Mahar Shaloodeh Co. |
Supplier in Lebanon | BAT Concept |
Supplier in Lebanon | STS Consultants |
Supplier in Mexico | GEO INGENIERIA ALFVEN, SA de CV |
Supplier in South Korea | Basis Soft Inc. |
Supplier in Tunisia | Terrasol Tunisia |
Supplier in Turkey | GEOGRUP INSAAT A.S. |
Supplier in United Kingdom | Wilde FEA Ltd |
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