Category Retaining wall design
Publisher  Robert Fages Logiciels 
Platform Win95/98, WinNT, Win2000, WinXP
Status Commercial
Description RIDO calculates the elastoplastic equilibrium of retaining walls or piles in various type of soil. Phased construction can be modeled. The calculation is carried by the finite element method. The algorithm is an adaptation of the primal-dual method applied to quadratic programming. It calculates the forces that minimize the elastic energy of the wall. Main features: Simulates excavations in each of the soil layers. Takes into account slopes and berms. Allows modification of soil characteristics due to back-filling or grouting. Allows direct introduction of active, static and passive soil pressures for special cases. Accepts water table variations in each soil and also confined and perched water tables. Automatically takes into account the hydraulic gradient effect on the apparent soil density. Takes into account the application or removal of surcharges. Considers that surcharges are linked to the soil state. Allows installing, preloading, removing struts or anchors with unilateral or bilateral link with the wall. Can calculate the buckling of sheet piles retained by inclined anchors. Allows application or removal of distributed or concentrated loads at any level of the wall. Allows definition of elastic links in displacement and rotation within a given structure. Allows various boundary conditions at top and toe of the wall. Allows modifications in the geometry of the wall during the works. Can calculate Berlin walls and discontinuous toe-in walls. Considers long term parameters either for the soil or the wall. Permits variations of the elastic modulus at any stage. Calculates the lack of toe-in, not only in the case of equilibrium failure, but also in the case of wall displacement exceeding a specified value. Units can be choosen independently for the data and for the results.
Cost Euros 4,500, with discounts for multiple copies
Data formats supported None stated
Supplier in France  Robert Fages Logiciels 

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