RockWare DigiData
Category Data input
Publisher  Rockware Inc. 
Platform Win95/98, Win2000, WinXP
Status Commercial
Description RockWare DigiData is a program for on-screen digitizing. Features: Supports large and irregularly long images with zoom and scrolling capabilities. Collect multiple data sets per graph. Attach attributes such as Z coordinates, labels, elevation values, bar chart labels to each data point collected, or once for a data set. View the data in a spread-sheet like grid during collection. Imports formats: BMP, DIB, TIFF. Export formats: TXT, CSV.
Cost US Dollars 99
Data formats supported Database and Spreadsheet  :  Comma Separated Values 
Documents  :  Text 
Images  :  Tagged Image File   :  Windows bitmap 
Supplier in United States of America  Rockware Inc. 

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