Downhole Explorer
Category Borehole log production
Platform Win95/98, Win2000, WinXP
Status Commercial
Description Downhole Explorer is a drillhole presentation and plotting program. It is database independent and is designed to work with existing data management software. Changes and additions made to the source data files or tables are automatically reflected in all plots. The program is capable of handling any form of downhole data from virtually any source and allows the user to import any number of interval logs. Geophysical, hydrogeological, mineralogical and geomechanical data can be imported, combined and displayed with geochemical and lithological logs. Data can be presented in many different forms including table, section, plan, 3D and log views. One project document contains all section and hole log plots for document management. Each section view defines a complete family of sections which span the entire extents of the data. The section master feature allows the same section definition to be viewed in multiple windows with different view and format settings. Plot and page settings, including paper size and orientation, are defined independently for each view. Import and display 3D objects from CAD and geological modeling packages. Independent labelling of these 3D objects. It is a part of the Exploration Office suite but may also be purchased separately.
Cost US Dollars 1150
Data formats supported None stated
Supplier in Australia  Datamine Australia 
Supplier in United States of America  Rockware Inc. 

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