Category Data input
Platform Win95/98, Win2000, WinXP
Status Commercial
Description Digitize32 digitizes points, lines, polylines and polygons. It uses MS Window's compliant 32 bit Wintab drivers for tablet setup and operation. Digitize contours to create digital elevation models. Calculate bearing and length for fracture analysis. Use as a planimeter to measure distance, bearings, perimeters, areas and volumes. Collect 2D or 3D data for GIS program via ESRI Shapefiles or DXF. Exports include RockWare graphics (RKW), DXF, ESRI Shapefiles and delimited text; Also supports ASCII file exports. Features a Multiple Regression based calibration routine that isn't limited to using corners and provides a confidence interval for accuracy.
Cost US Dollars 199
Data formats supported Drawings  :  DXF 
Mapping and GIS  :  DEM   :  Shape 
Supplier in United States of America  Rockware Inc. 

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