Category Groundwater modelling
Platform DOS
Status Public domain
Description WALTON35 is a series of 35 simple analytical and numerical models for flow, solute and heat transport and upconing of a fresh-salt water interface in saturated ground-water systems. It also includes some of the widely used mathematical functions, based on polynomial and numerical approximations. The models and functions are assembled in various menu-driven modules called by a shell program. It includes the following 35 models and functions: - computing W(u), W(u,r/B), Well function for partial penetration. - computing Io(r/B), Ko(r/B). - Erf(x) and Erfc(x). - drawdown by one or more wells in a confined aquifer; non-steady state. - drawdown by a partially penetrating well; non-steady state. - drawdown by a well in a leaky confined aquifer; non-steady state. - drawdown by a well in a leaky confined aquifer; steady-state. - drawdown in 2 mutually leaking aquifers with 1 or more fully penetrating. wells in the lower aquifer. - water-table rise (mound) from a circular recharge area. - stream depletion rate in a water-table aquifer due to pumping. - well loss constants. - one-dimensional advection and dispersion from a stream; confined aquifer. - time aspects of advective transport from a stream towards a well. - radial model: advection and dispersion from a single injection well. - two-dimensional advection and dispersion; 24 continuous point sources. - two-dimensional advection and dispersion; single slug point source. - three-dimensional advection and dispersion; 24 continuous point sources. - three-dimensional advection and dispersion; single slug point source. - aquifer temperature at distance from heated water injection well in a homogeneous confined aquifer; radial convection and aquiclude conduction. - spacing between heated water injection and production well in a homogeneous confined aquifer; convection and aquiclude conduction. - rise of fresh-salt water interface under an observation and an active production well in a homogeneous aquifer due to a single production well and the decline of the interface after the well stopped pumping. - six two-dimensional flow models based on the Prickett Lonnquist Aquifer Simulation Model (Illinois State Water Survey Bulletin 55). - four particle tracking based solute transport models. The models have a simple data input interface and results are displayed on screen and saved in a text output file. The distribution includes source code, runtime versions and selected example data sets. A user's manual is included.
Data formats supported None stated
Supplier in United States of America  International Ground Water Modeling Center 

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