Category | Plotting and statistics |
Publisher | Kovach Computing Services |
Platform | Win95/98, Win2000, WinXP |
Status | Commercial |
Description | Oriana for Windows calculates the special forms of sample and inter-sample statistics required for circular data. It also graphs data in a variety of ways, allowing the demonstration of patterns. It calculates the circular mean, length of the mean vector, circular standard deviation and standard error, 95% and 99% confidence limits, and Rayleigh's test of uniformity for each sample in your data file. Pairs of samples can be compared with Watson's F-test for two circular means. The overall distributions of two samples can be compared with Chi-squared tests. The data for each sample can be summarised with rose diagrams or circular histograms as well as linear histograms. The individual observations can be shown in raw data plots. Uniformity plots allow assessment of whether the data depart from a uniform distribution. |
Cost | US Dollars 300 |
Data formats supported | None stated |
Supplier in Canada | Provalis Research |
Supplier in United Kingdom | Kovach Computing Services |
Supplier in United States of America | Rockware Inc. |
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