Category | Mapping |
Publisher | Geosoft Ltd (Poland) |
Platform | Win2000, WinXP |
Status | Commercial |
Description | MAP-pro is a program for making CAD-type vector maps. It is suitable for displaying the locations of boreholes, soundings and other field investigations on a map background with associated files of the drilling or insitu testing data. Both vector and raster maps are supported. CAD-type facilities enables the user to edit vector files created with other CAD software (DWG and DXF formats are supported) and to create their own vector maps. The program is fully compatible with CAD programs (AutoCAD, MicroStation) with a layered structure, substantially similar interface and graphical functionality. Field data files may be integrated with a mapping background to enable archiving of exploration results. AGS Format data files are supported, as well as CPT test results in *.CPT and *.GEF formats. Where these data files include coordinates, the program reads these automatically and inserts the appropriate symbol on the map. Where coordinates are not included in the data files, tools are provided for plotting the appropriate symbol on the map. A network version working with MS SQL Server is also available. |
Cost | Single workstation Euros 950 |
Data formats supported |
: Microstation
Geotechnical : AGS : GEF |
Supplier in Poland | Geosoft Ltd (Poland) |
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