Category | Groundwater flow (MODFLOW) |
Publisher | Schlumberger Water Services |
Platform | Win3x, Win95/98, WinNT, Win2000, WinXP |
Status | Commercial |
Description | MODFLOW-SURFACT is a 3D finite difference flow and contaminant transport model based on the USGS MODFLOW. It extends physical modelling capabilities of MODFLOW for subsurface flow calculations. It integrates mass conservative, multicomponent contaminant transport capabilities into MODFLOW simulations. Dynamic memory allocation permits unlimited problem dimensions. Modular structure allows further development of additional simulation capabilities. It handles complete desaturation and resaturation of grid cells. Delineation and tracking of water table position, taking into account flow in the unsaturated zone, delayed yield, and vertical flow components. Automatic and correct redistribution of the total flow rate of a well screened through multiple model layers when the upper cells are pumped dry. Accommodation of wellbore storage and overpumped wells. Prevents water table build-up beyond a specified recharge-ponding elevation. Handling of seepage face boundary conditions. Adaptive time-stepping schemes automatically adjust time-step size to the non-linearities of the system to optimize the solution stability. Pre-conditioned Conjugate Gradient matrix solver. Capability of modeling unsaturated water or air movement. Enhanced Newton-Raphson linearization option increases robustness for unconfined and/or unsaturated flow conditions. Available in four versions: Basic Flow, Advance Flow, Basic Transport, Advance Transport. |
Cost | Basic flow: US Dollars 1095 to Advanc transport US Dollars 2995 |
Data formats supported | None stated |
Supplier in Canada | Schlumberger Water Services |
Supplier in United States of America | Rockware Inc. |
Supplier in United States of America | Scientific Software Group |
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