Category | Contaminant transport (2D FEM) |
Platform | DOS |
Status | Public domain |
Description | BLT is a program for waste transport through porous media from container failure It solves for release and transport of contaminants from containerized wastes. Each container may have unique properties (i.e., time to failure or localized failure, e.g. pitting) and each waste form may have unique release properties. Release from the waste form is limited by one of four physical or chemical constraints: solubility, diffusion, dissolution, and surface wash-off with partitioning. The release from the waste form acts as a source for transport in the advection/dispersion equation. Transport is modeled in two-dimensions through the groundwater pathway from subsurface disposal. The advection/dispersion transport equation with spatially varying sources (waste forms) is solved in two-dimensions using the method of finite elements. Advancements in time is controlled by user supplied input. It is recommended to use the fully implicit backward Euler scheme. However, Cranck-Nicolson and explicit time step algorithms are provided. Radioactive decay and sorption processes are included in the model. Container performance is calculated through empirical correlations and user supplied input data. Waste form release characteristics are simulated with geometry dependent (rectangular or cylindrical waste forms) analytical solutions to the diffusion equation. Dissolution is modeled through an input value specifying the dissolution rate. Rinse release with partitioning is simulated with user supplied values. In all cases, checks are made to prevent solubility limits from being exceeded. |
Data formats supported | None stated |
Supplier in France | OECD Nuclear Energy Agency |
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