Category Drainage
Publisher  GeoDelft (Netherlands) 
Platform Win95/98, WinNT, Win2000
Status Commercial
Description MDrill is a program for the code-based design of pipelines installed by the horizontal directional drilling method. It determines the required and allowed drilling fluid pressures during different stages of borehole construction. It also verifys that pipe stresses and deflections during installation and operation do not exceed admissible values. It supports the Dutch NEN design code, and is based on practical and scientific experience. Graphical input of soil layers and pipe location. Support of the enhanced Dutch NEN design codes 3650/3651/3652 for steel and polyethylene pipes. Input of common soil parameters, with support of code-based defaults. Graphical and tabular output of the required and allowed drilling fluid pressure during the pilot, pre-reaming, and reaming/pull-back stage. Tabular report of the verification of pipe stresses, deflections and polyethylene implosion during the pull back and operational stage. Report of the soil load, strength and stiffness data as used for the pipe stress analysis. Report of the expected axial tensile force. It is an integrated part of the GeoDelft M-Series of programs.
Cost 3, 500 Euros
Data formats supported None stated
Supplier in Netherlands  GeoDelft (Netherlands) 
Supplier in United Kingdom  GeoDelft (UK) 

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