Category Groundwater modelling
Publisher  GeoDelft (Netherlands) 
Platform Win95/98, WinNT, Win2000
Status Commercial
Description MWell assesses dewatering by pumped wells by an analytical method with the following geometrical constraints: all individual layers have a constant thickness and unlimited extent to all sides; in aquifers the flow is directed mainly horizontally characterised by transmissivity; in aquitards the flow is directed mainly vertically characterised by resistance; soil characteristics per layer are homogeneous; every well pumps water from one aquifer only over the full height. The head in consecutive aquifers is considered as a vector, its components are a function of horizontal position. In every aquifer the flow equation is set up, consisting of a flow term, a leakage term and a storage term. The leakage term is defined by the flow in the aquitards where the flow is composed of a flow term and a storage term. The obtained set of linear differential equations is arranged in matrix notation and solved in three steps. First, the time is dealt with by the method of Laplace transformations. Next, the remaining differential equation is solved by the technique of matrix diagonalisation. Last, the inverse Laplace transformation is performed by Stehfests rule. The solution is valid for one well and may be applied to a system of wells due to the principle of superposition. Both dewatering and recharge are involved. Therefore, it is possible to switch wells on and off at different points of time. The result of the calculation is the head of all aquifers in all positions and time points. The head may be visualised as time history plots showing the variation of the head in time of all aquifers for a chosen horizontal position. The contour plots show the set of equipotential lines per aquifer. They are obtained from collections of heads written to file. These files are in ASCII-format and may be read directly by SURFER.
Cost 2, 500 Euros
Data formats supported None stated
Supplier in Netherlands  GeoDelft (Netherlands) 
Supplier in United Kingdom  GeoDelft (UK) 

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