Pile Cap
Category Piles (lateral loading and groups)
Publisher  Eagle Point Software 
Platform Win95/98
Status Commercial
Description Pile Cap provides facilities for the design of pile caps. It analyses up to 80 piles for both axial and biaxial bending moments. Prints the exact location of the centroid of the pile group with respect to the column location. Both metric and FPS units are available. Biaxial bending capability is provided. The pile axial loads, due to combined axial load and bending moments, are also given. Large shear wall foundations may be analyzed and designed. Designs the cap using several layers of rebar in order to maintain the most economical depth for the pile cap. The required steel area, steel ratio and the ultimate moment are printed along with the total concrete volume and steel weight.
Data formats supported None stated
Supplier in United States of America  Eagle Point Software 

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