Footing Design
Category | Bearing capacity |
Publisher | Eagle Point Software |
Platform | Win95/98 |
Status | Commercial |
Description | Footing Design will design isolated column footings and calculate required reinforcing and quantities. Designs or checks isolated column footings for dimensions, steel requirements and quantities. Moments may be given about each axis along with column offsets and surcharge loads. Factors are included for wind or earthquake load conditions. Includes a check for horizontal keys to resist sliding. Set maximum and minimum dimensions for a footing. Loads include either factored or unfactored loads and offer the option of vertical, horizontal and biaxial moments. Loads may be input under specified load cases for wind or earthquake. Surcharge loads on each of four quadrants may also be entered. The soil pressures and working loads are used to size the footing or check an existing one. |
Data formats supported | None stated |
Supplier in United States of America | Eagle Point Software |
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