Category Plotting (3D visualisation)
Publisher  Tecplot, Inc 
Platform Win95/98, WinNT, Win2000, UNIX, Linux
Status Commercial
Description Tecplot is a data visualization and plotting software program tailored for engineers and scientists for producing 2-d and 3-d plots, images, and animations. Plot types include line plots, contour plots, vector plots, carpet plots and scatter plots.
Cost US Dollars 1295
Data formats supported None stated
Supplier in Australia  Computer Transition Systems 
Supplier in Germany  GENIAS Graphics Software GmbH 
Supplier in Greece  MP & Associates 
Supplier in India  Sierra Atlantic Software Services, Ltd. 
Supplier in Israel  Tashtit Scientific Consultants 
Supplier in Japan  Sumisho Electronics, Ltd. 
Supplier in South Korea  Kimhua Technologies Inc 
Supplier in Taiwan  Scientific Formosa, Inc. (SFI) 
Supplier in Turkey  Punto Engineering, Ltd. 
Supplier in United Kingdom  Adept Scientific plc 
Supplier in United Kingdom  Polyhedron Software Ltd 
Supplier in United States of America  Tecplot, Inc 

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