Category Settlement analysis
Publisher  Civilserve GmbH 
Platform Win95/98, WinNT, Win2000
Status Commercial
Description GGU-CONSOLIDATE calculates the one-dimensional consolidation processes in multi-horizon systems using any pore water pressure distribution and time-dependent loading function. The initial pore water pressure distribution at time t = 0 can be user defined. Pore water pressure distribution resulting from foundation loads can be generated. The drainage conditions at the top and the base of the horizon are given separately. The system loading can be given as a function of time. Calculation of analytically derived solutions according to the consolidation theory for single-horizon systems, developed by Terzaghi. Also numerically calculates for multi-horizon systems. In addition to conventional consolidation theory, systems with vertical drainage can also be examined. Four different analysis procedures: Consolidation (analytically). One-dimensional consolidation theory according to Terzaghi, for a system with one horizon and a constant pore water pressure distribution above this horizon at time t = 0. Consolidation (numerically). One-dimensional consolidation theory according to Terzaghi, for a multi-horizon system and any pore water pressure distribution as a function of depth and time. The calculations are carried out using finite difference equations.
Cost EURO 475
Data formats supported None stated
Supplier in Australia  Foundation QA 
Supplier in Germany  Civilserve GmbH 

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