Enviro Stats
Category Geostatistics
Publisher  Geotech Computer Systems, Inc. 
Platform Win95/98, WinNT
Status Commercial
Description Enviro Stats is a software package geared towards statistical analysis of environmental data and geoscience data. It performs a variety of statistical tests and analyses including one and two-way analyses of variances of data sets, calculation of basic statistics, fitting of linear and non-linear functions to data, comparing the means and variances of data sets and calculating the likelihood of observing a particular value in a specific data set. It also offers geostatistical capabilities including variograms and kriging and outlier analysis for quality control of analytical data. Allows plots of data to be prepared interactively. Allows unrestricted storage, manipulation, and anlysis of free-form data.
Cost US Dollars 695
Data formats supported None stated
Supplier in United States of America  Geotech Computer Systems, Inc. 

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