Category Borehole log production
Platform Mac
Status Commercial
Description AppleCORE is a borehole logging package that is designed to be used in the lab while examining subsurface core, or for logging outcrop data or most other kinds of lithologic data. The program allows the direct collection of descriptive geological data and translates the data into a finished strip log. The data can also be exported in a simple format to be read by other databases. The raw data are saved to, and retrieved from, disk and may be redrafted and displayed at any time using different display options. The strip log can be printed out either in high resolution on a laser printer or as a continuous strip log in colour or black and white on a dot matrix printer. The strip log can also be saved as a QuickDraw "PICT" file. Features: All descriptive items recorded as "icons" (Physical Structures, Lithologic Accessories, Ichnofossils, Fossils etc.) can be entered as an interval with a relative abundance rather than just point data. Recording of: Diagenesis, Fractures, Pore Types, Hydrocarbon Indicators, Lithification descriptors, Rock Color based on GSA Rock-Color Chart, Facies & Interpretive remarks, Clay Percent. 300 icons for each of Physical Structures and Fossils, 150 icons for each of Lithologic accessories and Ichnofossils, Four lithology "palettes" for each of siliclastics and carbonates for a total of 128 lithologies. External numeric data (X-Y data) can be imported for plotting as a curve on the strip log.
Cost GB Pounds 925 Educational GB Pounds 260
Data formats supported None stated
Supplier in United Kingdom  GeoMEM Limited 

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