Category Slope stability (soil)
Publisher  Bristol Innovations Software Sales Limited 
Platform Win3x, Win95/98, WinNT, UNIX
Status Commercial
Description CHASM (Combined Hydrology And Stability Model) is an integrated slope hydrology/slope stability software package that aids the assessment of slope stability conditions. It is designed to help the user to estimate the effects on slope stability of selected storm events, surface covers, slope plan curvatures and other slope and material properties. The dynamics of slope hydrology are computed using a finite difference formulation that accommodates unsaturated and saturated soil water conditions. Stability analysis is undertaken using a grid search procedure which is implemented continuously during the simulation period. Other capabilities include: Fully dynamic slope hydrology implemented for convergent, divergent or rectilinear slope geometries. Incorporation of vegetation cover effects for both slope hydrology and slope stability. Specification of multiple soil strata and associated properties.
Cost UNIX GB Pounds 3000, Windows GB Pounds 1250
Data formats supported None stated
Supplier in United Kingdom  Bristol Innovations Software Sales Limited 

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