Applications of Geophysics
Category Educational
Platform Win95/98
Status Commercial
Description Applications of Geophysics in Environmental Investigations is an interactive CD-ROM to support self-directed learning in this field. This practical guide provides access to key information about the application of geophysical techniques to environmental investigations and is illustrated with many case studies. There are three separate search engines to assist with navigation, and the chapters are colour-coded to enhance orientation within the reference. This is not intended to be an exhaustive resource, but the reference section is very thorough, and thus you are referred to additional relevant information for more in-depth study. You will find some sponsor multimedia presentations on the disc to assist you with practical choices for equipment and software. This disc is written at a level suitable for use as a study tool for junior and intermediate university students, as well as being suitable as a field guide for junior to intermediate field geologists and geophysicists.
Cost US Dollars 100; EEGS Member discount
Data formats supported None stated
Supplier in United States of America  Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society 

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