Category Geoenvironmental database systems
Publisher  Monitor-Pro Ltd 
Platform Win95/98, WinNT
Status Commercial
Description Monitor-LT is a environmental data management software program intended to help companies keep control of the ever-increasing amounts of data which regulations require. The product allows users to enter, store, analyse, and output any type of environmental monitoring information. The product is modular with options to purchase tools such as advanced querying, advanced reporting and statistics. Handles most forms of monitoring data. Data integrity ensured before committal. Breaches of consent flagged at data entry. Automatic data import using import wizard. Advanced queries find data in seconds. User-defined variables and variable suites. Password protected on multiple levels. Automatic reporting and graphing. Interactive graphing and statistics. Picture gallery for site photos. Personnel details and contacts manager. Report logs stored, graphs saved.
Data formats supported None stated
Supplier in United Kingdom  Monitor-Pro Ltd 

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