CATIGE for Windows
Category Educational
Publisher  University of Adelaide 
Platform Win3x, Win95/98, WinNT
Status Commercial
Description CATIGE for Windows is an acronym for Computer Aided Teaching In Geotechnical Engineering. It is a suite of 14 programs specifically written for undergraduate students to assist in the teaching and learning of fundamental geotechnical engineering principles. It consists of the following stand-alone programs: Class4W (Unified Soil Classification), Consol4W (Consolidation Processes), Dams4W (2D Seepage Analysis), DSand4W (Direct Shear Test in Sand), Effect4W (Vertical Effective Stresses), Expansiv (Influence of Expansive Soil Heave), FallingW (Falling Head Test), GeoUnits (Geotechnical Engineering Unit Converter), Heave (Expansive Soil Heave Calculator), Mohr4W (Mohr Circle of Stress), ProctorW (Proctor Compaction Test), Retain4W (Sheet Pile Retaining Wall Analysis), Triax4W (Triaxial Test), and CATHelp (CATIGE for Windows Help). The suite has been designed in such a way that the users are involved in the solution or testing process, hence ensuring that the concepts are reinforced, rather than the user merely watching the computer solve a problem or animate a particular apparatus. GeoUnits is available as freeware. Free demonstration versions are available of Mohr4W and ProctorW.
Cost Australian Dollars 1,000 for site licence
Data formats supported None stated
Supplier in Australia  University of Adelaide 

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